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主要存在问题 多数学生比较保守,没有把所学的高级句式和词汇运用起来,还有一部分运用了较为高级的句式和词汇,但错误偏多,也只能拿个和谐分。既有高级运用又能做到没有基本错误的,拿20分往上才有可能。 学生普遍不注意校对,错误太多,好多都是一眼就能检查出来的,比如:I reading books aloud every day. You should to practice a lot. 等。 卷面严重不整洁,涂改非常严重,很多都像草稿纸,这很多程度上让分数少了3至4分。 空白卷多,抄袭多(即到阅读理解和任务阅读文章里摘抄,有全抄的,有夹馅的),不知所云多(看似OK,其实找不到一个对的句子,就是把一些学过的词堆积一起),这些往往都以零分计算。 Dear teacher and schoolmates, it’s a great pleasure for me to be today and share my experience of learning English with you. I’m interested in English and hope to be an interpreter in the future. Naturally, it’s very important for me to learn English well. As everybody knows vocabulary is an important part of language, just like bricks in a building. I usually memorize twenty new words a day and put them to use whenever possible. After class, I often listen to English programs on TV and on the radio. Besides, I’ve learned a lot from the Internet and other sources. Now, I’d like to make some suggestions on English teaching and learning in our school. Firstly, we should be given more opportunities to use what we’ve learned in order to have a better grasp of it. Secondly, I hope our teachers can recommend more interesting books and magazines and give us more free time to read them. Finally, I suggest we have more English activities, such as English contests and festivals. Thank you for listening. 下图描述的是目前社会上所存在的一种社会现象:酒后驾车。请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你认为应采取哪些措施禁止酒后驾车和看法。 注意: 1.仔细品味图中的内涵,并适当发挥,不要简单描述。 2.词数150左右。 One possible version: The picture describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among some drivers in our country. In the picture, a driver is caught by a policeman because his car has “kissed” the wall. He has drunk so much that he can’t stand normally. How can he drive a car in such bad condition? Drunk driving is a great danger both to our society and to drivers. It’s time we took some measures to forbid drinking before driving. We should strengthen the traffic security


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