
文华东方顾客满意度调查表MO Sanya GAS - EQ.doc

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文华东方顾客满意度调查表MO Sanya GAS - EQ

Mandarin Oriental, Sanya Guest Satisfaction Survey (W920) Navigation Instructions How to complete our questionnaire Thank you in advance, for kindly taking the time to complete our questionnaire. To make this as simple as possible please follow these steps: 1. Please maximize your screen by clicking on the box found in the top right hand side corner, to the left of the cross; it will be easier to read. 2. The screen would be easier to see when using screen resolution 1024 x 768, if you cannot see the questionnaire properly, we suggest modifying your screen resolution via your control panel. 3. It will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The survey is entirely confidential, if you wish to read our privacy policy please click here (link to policy). For further assistance, please contact us at mandarinoriental@. Thank you. OVERALL EXPERIENCE SERVICES USED The purpose of this survey is to ask your opinion on various aspects of your stay and services provided to you by Mandarin Oriental, Sanya on your LAST VISIT. Please answer each question by moving the cursor to the circle which best describes how you feel. Then click on that circle to make it dark ?. Overall Quality Excellent 1 Very Good 2 Good 3 Fair 4 Poor 5 1. How would you rate the overall quality of Mandarin Oriental, Sanya as a resort? ? ? ? ? ? SATISFACTION WITH SERVICES AND FACILITIES The following questions relate to the services and facilities provided by Mandarin Oriental, Sanya. Please indicate your level of satisfaction for each service or facility that you experienced on your LAST VISIT to the hotel. 2 RECEPTION Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor 1 2 3 4 5 a. How would you rate the overall quality of RECEPTION? ? ? ? ? ? c. Courtesy of bell staff/porters ? ? ? ? ? d. Speed of registration ? ? ? ? ? e. Friendliness of registration staff ? ? ? ? ? f. Helpfulness of Concierge service ? ? ? ? ? g. Quality of hotel orientation upon arrival ? ? ? ? ? h


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