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中華水土保持學報, 48(4):197-205(2017) 197 Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation, 48 (4): 197-205 (2017) 10.29417/JCSWC.201712_48(4).0005 應用歷史地形圖資於集水區坡地高程變化之研究 [1] [1] [1] [2]* 孫明德 傅桂霖 詹坤哲 蘇郁文 摘 要 利用歷史地形圖、衛星影像及歷史航照的數化與活化,延伸分析之時空尺度,就高屏溪支流荖濃溪 上游之布唐布那斯溪集水區範圍內之地形環境演變進行分析與討論;分析結果得知 1989 年、2001 年與 2004 年 3 個年度間,河道地形高程變化,其中以上游河段較為顯著,最大高程差達 45 公尺;中、下游河段最大高 程變化小於 8 公尺。從成果可知,透過歷史圖資判識,與水文資料統計分析,有助於集水區土砂災害風險判 識,鑑往知來,是既經濟又可行的方法。 關鍵詞:坡地變遷、歷史地圖、數值高程模型。 Elevation Variation Study in a Watershed Using Historical Topographic Maps Ming-Te Sun[1] Kuei-Lin Fu[1] Kun-Che Chan[1] Yu-Wen Su[2]* ABSTRACT In this study, we used historical topographic maps, satellite images, and original aerial photographs, which were taken using aerial stereo photography technology, to make digital elevation models that mimicked the recovery process of topographic evolution. After reviewing the three types of maps and images, we chose the Putanpu- nas stream watershed to mimic the recovery process of topographic evolution. Aerial photos were used to construct a digital elevation model for analyzing the topographic evolution. We found the largest change in elevation to be 45 m at an upstream location. Midstream and downstream changes in elevation were less than 8 m. A hydrological analysis provided solid evidence confirming the accuracy of the mimicked topographic evolution of a landslide site. Utilizing these maps and images in combination will serve as a powerful tool for regional planning, hazard assessment, sediment transport management, and environmental protection. Key Words: Slope variation,


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