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阑尾炎 医生:有腹泻吗? D: Have you had any diarrhea? 病人:没有,我已经两天没有大便了. P: No, I haven’t had a bowel movement for two days. 医生:你恶心和呕吐吗? D: Have you had any nausea and vomiting? 病人:现在已好些了.昨天晚上我差不多每2小时吐一次,一疼就吐. P: Well, now it’s a bit better. But last night I vomited every two hours, soon after the pain began. * 阑尾炎 医生:你有发烧吗? D: Have you had a temperature? 病人:昨晚我试表是380C. P: Last night I took my temperature. It was 38oC. 医生:请指出目前最疼的部位. D: Show me where it hurts most right now? 病人:就在这儿. P: Just here. * 阑尾炎 医生:请躺下.让我检查一下你的肚子.我按这个地方疼吗?我突然抬手时是否疼得更重?我想你得了阑尾炎.需要手术治疗. D: Please lie down. Let me examine your abdomen. Do you feel any pain when I press here? Does it hurt you when I withdraw my hand suddenly? I think that you have appendicitis. You must have an operation 病人:危险吗? P: Is it serious? 医生:如果不做手术,可能有危险. D: It could be if we don’t operate. * 阑尾炎 病人:好吧,我同意. P: All right, I agree. 医生:我们必须征得你同意,请在这张单子上签署你同意做手术吧! D: We must have your consent. Please sign this paper consenting to have the operation. 病人:好的. P: All right. * 阑尾炎 医生:不要焦急,一切都会好起来的. D: Don’t worry, everything will be OK. 病人:我希望如此,医生. P: I hope so, Doctor. * Fracture P: Doctor, will it heal properly? D: Of course, it will, don’t worry. I think you should be admitted to hospital. You need an operation to fix it. P: I have hurt my right elbow. I can’t move it because of the pain. D: How did it happen? P: When I was getting into the bus, I fell on my elbow. That happened this morning. * Fracture D: Is it still painful? P: Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb. D: Can you feel this, when I put it in your hand? P: Yes. * Fracture D: I’m afraid you may have broken your elbow, I’ll send you to the x-ray department to check. The x-ray reveals a fracture of the lower humerus. We’ll give you a “U” type plaster cast on your elbow and shoulder. P: How long will I have to have it? * Fracture D: About six weeks. P: Is there anything else I should do? D: You’d better r


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