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教育研究與發展期刊 DOI 10.3966/181665042017061302004 第十三卷第二期 2017年6月 頁103-140 熬煉成為女教授的遙迢長路:德國女性 學術人員生涯發展之管漏現象探析 張源泉 國立暨南國際大學國際文教與比較教育學系教授 摘 要 本研究透過文件分析法,探究德國女教授的生涯發展所受的歧視與險阻;在 德國大學發展的歷史長河,隨著社會變遷與女性運動所帶來的壓力,自20 世紀初 大學做為女性的禁地才慢慢解凍,但至 1990 年代末,通過教授備選資格的女性, 獲得教授任命的機會仍遠低於男性,此因學術成就與卓越的認定深具男性色彩, 再加上女性學術網絡貧乏,而導致其學術成果難以獲得相應的重視,因此女性學 術人員的「管漏現象」一直存在著。近年來女性教授任命的比例雖已大幅改善, 但女性常被任命為較低職級的教授,此因學術界之男性色彩烙印難以根除,學術 結構不利於女性之發展。 關鍵詞:管漏現象、人事制度、性別平等 張源泉電子郵件:yuanchuanchang@.tw Journal of Educational Research and Development June 30, 2017, Vol. 13, No. 2 pp. 103-140 The Long Journey of Striving for Female Professorship: A Study on the “Leaky Pipeline” Phenomenon in German Female Academics’ Career Development Yuan-Chuan Chang Professor, Department of Comparative Education, National Chi Nan University Abstract In this paper I use document analysis to investigate the gender discrimination and professional difficulties faced by female faculty members of universities in Germany. During its long history, as a result of the social changes brought about by the feminist movement, this situation slowly began to change during the early twentieth century. Nonetheless, despite having the requisite qualifications, by the 1990s relatively few women gained academic appointments. The main reasons for this have been male bias in the evaluation of academic achievements and the less extensive academic network of females, which resulted in their achievements receiving less recognition. This situation has given rise to what has been referred to as the “leaky pipe” phenomenon. Although in recent years the proportion of female faculty has begun to increase, they tend to occupy lower positions in the academic hierarchy. At present, the gender bias in German academia continues to thwart the professional development


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