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冀教英语8年级第三单元测试 2007年09月08日 星期六 20:10 【单元测试达标】   一、同义词组替换   1. Will you come to my house tonight ?   A. this evening  B. today evening  C. this morning  D. tomorrow night   2. Here are Thanksgiving presents.   A. food   B. clothes  C. gifts     D. things   3. We’ll go to London in autumn.    A. spring  B. summer   C. winter    D. fall   4. Running can keep you fit.    A. good   B. well    C. beautiful  D. health   5. Let’s get her some flowers for her birthday.   A. take   B. give    C. come     D. go   二、单选   1. They    get up so early to catch up the train.   A. haven’t to  B. hasn’t to  C. will not have to  D. aren’t have to   2.    beautiful girl she is!    A. How    B. What     C. How a   D. What a   3. They fly kites in the afternoon. So    he.    A. do    B. does     C. is     D. are   4. ---Would you like    mooncake?  ---No, thanks.   A. Other ?? B. the other  C. another  D. others   5. Do you know    names?    A. the boy’s  B. the boys’s  C. the boys’    D. the boy   6. Jenny is a    player. She plays football   .   A. good, well  B. well, good  C. good, good    D. well, well   7. My stand(立场) on this is just    it was four years ago.   A. same as    B. the same as  C. the same like  D. same like   8. He is a reporter.   .   A. So I am    B. I am so    C. Am I so      D. So am I   9. I wonder whether the sweater    him or not.   A. fit      B. to fit     C. fits       D. fitted   10. ---What can I do for you?  ---    .   A. I want to buy a coat      B. Sure   C. Not mention it         D. You are welcome   三、句型   1. Betty is a very kind girl. (改为感叹句)              girl Betty is!   2. The school opened twenty years ago. (改为现在完成时态)     The school       open    twenty years.   3. What clothes will you buy? Do you know?     Do you know what clothes      ?   四、阅读理解   I’m sure you know the song“Happy Birthday”. You must sing this song to your family members and your friends many times on their birthday. But do you know who wrote this song?


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