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全媒体环境下 公共图书馆的文献资源建设 Resource Construction at Public Libraries in an All Media Environment 张 勇 Zhang Yong 全媒体环境下公共图书馆的文献资源建设 Resource Construction at Public Libraries in an All Media Environment 一、全媒体的概念及特点 1) The concept and characteristics of “All Media” 二、全媒体对出版界的影响 2) The effects of “All Media” on publishing 三、全媒体环境对图书馆文献资源建设的影响 3) The effects of “All Media” on library resource construction 四、公共图书馆在全媒体环境下如何开展文献资源建设 4) How should a public library build its resources in an All Media environment? 五、湖南图书馆在全媒体环境下争取数字版权的一些尝试 5) Some attempts by Hunan Library to get digital copyrights in an All Media environment 全媒体环境下公共图书馆的文献资源建设 Resource Construction at Public Libraries in an All Media Environment 一、全媒体的概念及特点 1) The concept and characteristics of “All Media” 1.全媒体的概念 The concept of “All Media” 全媒体指媒体机构经过记者采访、编辑,及运营商采用文字、图形、图像、动画、网页、声音和视频等多 种媒体表现手段(多媒体),通过广播、电视、音像、电影、出版、报纸、杂志、网站等不同媒介形态(业 务融合),通过融合的广电网络、电信网络以及互联网络进行传播(三网融合),最终实现为用户提供电 视、电脑、手机等多种终端的融合接收(三屏合一),实现任何人、任何时间、任何地点、以任何方式接收 任何媒体内容。 “All Media” refers to the way in which media organizations, after reporters’ interviews and editing and the application by operators of text, graphics, images, animations, web pages, audio and video and other forms of media expression (multimedia), then use radio broadcast, television, video, film, publishing, newspapers, magazines, websites and different media forms (business integration) and adopt integrated broadcasting over a television network, telecommunications network and the internet (three networks integration) to ultimately provide users with multi-terminal seamless reception on televisions, computers and mobile phones (three screens as one), achieving the reception of any media content by


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