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Institutional Repositories – background, issues and strategic considerations “机构库”- 背景,现状,及思考 Wang, Xuemao 王雪茅 Johns Hopkins University 约翰 ? 霍普金斯大学 xmw@ Advanced Digital Library Seminar, Beijing, Aug. 14-17, 2006 * Today’s Agenda 今天日程 Introduction My presentation Basics of IRs 基本介绍 Issues about IRs 现况及问题 Importance of IRs 重要性 Interactive discussion! – within or after my presentation 互动式讨论 I like questions!! But be prepared I may not have answers for you.欢迎提问, 任何问题 (但我可能没有答案!) What is IR? A web-based Archive database (Web 基础之上的数据库) Scholarly material- collects, stores and disseminates (与学术研究有关的资料: 选择, 存储, 传送) Institutionally defined - as opposed to a subject-based repository (机构范围-非主题范围) Cumulative and perpetual, long-term preservation (集累性, 永久性, 长期保存性) Open and interoperable (公开/开放性与互联性) (e.g. using OAI-compliant software) Types of Repository Repositories may be limited to: IRs 之种类 Vertical 直线性 Subject (e.g., physics)主题类 Horizontal 平行性 Consortium (e.g., Colorado Digital Project) “协调委员会” Institution (e.g., MIT) 大学 National 全国型 International 国际型 Crisis - Global Journal Problem 全球学术期刊危机 Growing dissatisfaction with the current model 对 “学术交流” 现阶段模式的不满 Institution cannot afford to purchase access to all the information that all of its researchers require 学术机构不能负担学术研究需要的刊物 Site-licenses and consortia deals have helped, but mainly in the richest countries “联合购买” 仅限于少数国家 Many commercial publishers charge extra for online access – so causing more pressure on budgets 出版商另加额外收费于 “电子版” Opportunity 机会 Environment changed: 环境之变迁 Scholarly publication generated and often published in digital form “学术交流” 越趋于数字化 Courses and other teaching materials in digital 学术研究与教学更趋数字化 Recent announcement of mass digitization projects (such as Google)大规模图书馆馆藏数字化 Unit costs of digital storage decreases ~40% annually 数字存储越趋便易 Open source development in digital repositories (e.g. LOCKSS, DSpace, Fedora, etc.) 开源软件普及 Internet2-like networks in development in m


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