
北大计算机图形学 总复习.ppt

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北大计算机图形学 总复习

计算机图形学 期末总复习 姜明 北京大学数学科学学院 课程要求:平时作业为40分,期末考试成绩为30分,学期项目成绩为30分。 最后报告中要明确写清楚每个人的工作在设计,编程和文档等方面的贡献占整个工作的百分比。 学期项目考察要点 Graphics Programming glut OpenGL 通过有关习题应当掌握一定的函数和用法。 问问自己都掌握了那些函数??? Summary Geometric Objects and Transformations Coordinate systems and transformations Coordinate systems and transformations in OpenGL Transformations in homogeneous coordinates Translation Scaling Rotation; general rotation. Shear Quaternions and Rotation Quaternions and Rotation The rotation with an angle θ about a vector v=(a,b,c) can be implemented with quaternions. For an arbitrary point p=(x,y,z). It can be proved For the matrix constructed earlier it can be shown that Viewing Classical and Computer Viewing Viewing with a Computer Positioning of the Camera Simple Projections Projections in OpenGL Hidden-Surface Removal Walking Through a Scene Parallel-Projection Matrices Perspective-Projection Matrices Projections and Shadows Shading Light and Matter Light Sources The Phong Reflection Model Computation of Vectors Polygonal Shading Approximation of a Sphere by Recursive Subdivision Light Sources in OpenGL Specification of Materials in OpenGL Shading of the Sphere Model Global Rendering The Phong Reflection Model It is efficient, close enough to physical reality to produce good rendering under a variety of lighting conditions and material properties. It supports three types of material-light interactions – ambient, diffuse and specular. The Complete Phong Model Implementation of a Renderer Basic Implementation Strategies Four Major Tasks Implementation of Transformations Line-Segment Clipping Polygon Clipping Clipping of Other Primitives Clipping in Three Dimensions Hidden-Surface Removal Scan Conversion DDA and Bresenhams Algorithm Scan Conversion of Polygons Display Considerations Line-Segment Clipping A clipper decides which primitives, or parts of primitives, appear on the display. Clipping can occur at one or more places in the viewing pipeline. In OpenGL, at l


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