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愛情是女人靈魂的救贖還是墮落的開始? -論張愛玲小說中的女性類型 建國科技大學 通識教育中心 蕭雁方 摘要 張愛玲的小說曾經無數次被改拍為電影或是電視劇,她前期作品多數集中於描述都會女性的愛情與婚姻,除了時代的應和外,女性議題與女性自覺的萌發其實才是她作品中最吸引人的地方。當然若以西方觀點的女性主義來審視張愛玲作品中的女性,她們多數是不合格的,因為她們多數是依附於她們的男人而活,經濟上是多數是不獨立,靠男人養活。但若是以其「自我」自覺性而言,張愛玲小說裡的女性是極具現代性,多數的她們選擇忠於她們的愛情自覺,不論她愛上的是好男人還是壞男人,最後的結局是喜劇還是悲劇,但最後總是她們主導著自己的愛情,這非關國家、非關主義,非關於社會,只忠於自己。女人自我意識的覺醒,有如「娜拉出走」般的果決,在五四風潮下女性小說家描述的不是沒有,但多為自傳性文本,如丁玲作品,這類文本大多是和依附男人的傳統女性截然不同的時代新女性,然舊時代過渡到新時代的女性到那兒去呢?張愛玲小說裡的女性類型就彌補了這一大塊空缺,小說裡的女性形象從傳統過渡到現代新女性,多元而且豐富。 關鍵詞: 張愛玲、婦女形象、女性書寫 Lovely is the Salvation of Soul or the Beginning of Hell by Disscussing about Eileen Changs Novel’s Female Styles Chienkuo Technolog Univerity General Education Center Lecturer Yang Fang Hsiao abstract Eileen Changs novel has been changed many times for film or TV shoot, her early work focused on the description of the majority of women will love and marriage, in addition to age and should be foreign, female issues and female self-awareness is in fact the germination of most of her works . Of course, if the Western feminist perspective to examine women in Zhang Ailing, and most of them are unqualified because they are mostly dependent on their men live, the majority is not economically independent, relying on men to feed. But if its self awareness is concerned, women in her novels is a very modern, most of them loyal to their choice of love consciousness, whether she fell in love with a good man or bad man, the final outcome is comedy Or a tragedy, but in the end they always dominate their love, not about this country, not about doctrine, not on social, loyal only to their own. Women self-consciousness, like Nora awayas the decisive, this wave of female writers in the May Fourth described is not no, but mostly autobiographical texts, such as Ding Ling works, most of these texts and the tradition of men attached to women New era of very different women, then the transition to a new era of the old days of women to go there? Eileen Chang novel type of women make up the


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