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34 5 7 吕延利 (, 467001) : 研究用戈尔膜分离净化盐水生产出高纯度工业盐在试验中进行了盐水预 处理与 滤后盐水的质量膜结垢的清洗技术等研究结果表明, 优化的盐水预处理工艺可 以防止膜结垢, 并使滤后盐水质量达到优质标准, 而膜的清洗也相对容易周期相对延长; 同 时还研制了高效酸难溶垢清洗剂, 以化学清洗法清除粘膜的硫酸钡垢 : 戈尔膜; 盐水; 净化; 研究 : TS36 : A : 1001- 2214 ( 2005) 05- 0007 - 0 3 Research on Raising the Qua ity of the F im Decontam ination Brine LV Y an - i ( P ingd ingshan Co ege o f Indu stry, P ingd ingshan H enan 467001, Ch ina) A bstrac t: H igh y pur ified sa t is produced by the gore f im decontam ination techno ogy. T he resea rch inc udes br ine pretreatm ent; the qua ity study after br ine f i tra tion and the techno ogy o f c earing the fim dirty. T he resu t ind icates that optmi ized techno ogy of brine f i tered can prevent it from m ak ing d irty and m eet the standards o f h igh qua ity w ate r after it is f i te red. It is comparative y easier to hav e it c eared and the ife- span can be pro onged. Smi u taneou s y, w e a so do som e re- searches on the e ffective c eaner to c ean the B aSO d irt of the f im. 4 K ey w ord s: gore fim; brine; decontam ination; resea rch 1 2 , 2 + , , ( 1) Ca ,



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