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Department of Customer ServiceSpecialized Subject of Business AdministrationSchool of Raffles College GroupNov. 2010Dear Respondent,I am a student in the above named Institution carrying out a study on the operational problems of Shanghai Carre Air-condition Equipment Co. Ltd. I want you to assist me by completing this questionnaire.The purpose of this study is academic and so the information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality.Thanks for your co-operation.I am,yours faithfully,Randy Yang亲爱的调查对象,我是一名学生来自东华大学来福士学院,被指名对上海卡莱空调设备有限公司进行业务上的问题研究,我希望您能帮助我完成这份问卷调查。这份调查的用途是学术的,您所提供的信息将会被严格机密的处理。谢谢您的合作!杨浩俊01/201Respondents’ Name:Respondents’Telephone number:Respondents’ E-mail:SIGEND:Date:QuestionnaireINSTRUCTION: Please tick “√”that depicts your choice of answer to the questions where necessary.(说明:请在您选择的答案前打“√”)Personal InformationSex(性别)a. Male(男性) b. Female(女性)Your age(你的年龄)a. Under 30(30岁以下)b. 30 - 40years old(30-40岁)c. 41 - 50years old(41-50岁)d. 51years old and above(51岁和以上)The highest educational qualification that you hold?(你拥有的最高学历证明?)a. Primary(初等教育) b. Secondary(高等教育)c. University(大学的) d. College(大专)e. Master(硕士)About Customer ExpectationsWhat do you hope to have in your heart that the Carre to do to solve your problem?(在你心中,你希望卡莱空调公司能帮你解决什么问题?)a. Keep in repair once a year about Air-condition(每年一次保持对空调的维修)b. Reduce Air-condition’s price(降低空调的价格)c. Keep service attitude (保持服务的态度)d.Increase the interaction between management and customers(加强公司领导与客户的交流)What do you feel about the employees in Carre Company? Do they give you prompt service?(您觉得卡莱公司的员工怎么样,他们给你及时的服务吗)a. Yes(是的)b. No(不是)c. Not sure (不确定)What is your real needs and hope in Carre?(你在卡莱真正想得到什么)More respect (更多的尊重) b. Service quality (服务质量) Better products (更好的产品)About Customer Perceptions*Annotation1= strongly disagree(强烈反对); 2= disagree(反对); 3=neutral(中立的); 4= agree(同意);5= strongly agree(强烈同意)Strongly StronglydisagreeagreeI am satisfied and interested in Carre’


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