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* * 5 5 * * * * * * 以溶解方式存在的O2仅占1.5%,结合的占98.5% 血红蛋白Hemoglobin是红细胞内的色蛋白 * * * * * * 1. The tops of the curves the height -for the level of CO2 changes in the height-for changes in tidal volume rate of change in the overall level the shape of the tops-for irregularities in the plateau the number of tops per minute-for the respiratory rate 2. The lower edge of the curves the distance between the lower edge and the baseline-for rebreathing 3. The ascending and descending limb of each curve -for irregularities in configuration and distance between the limbs -for the tidal volume and changes in flow rate of expiation PQ and inspiration RS 4. The distance between curves -for changes in the rate of respiration 5. The inspiratory and expiratory segments of each curve and the space which they occupie-to attempt to establish their ratio, in the absence of a high speed recording * * * * The BIS numeric is an indication of the patients level of consciousness. It ranges from a high of 100, indicating alertness, to a low of ZERO indicating EEG suppression. As a patient is taken lower, their hypnotic state deepens, which requires a stronger stimulus to elicit a reaction. BIS values of 40 or 50 do not mean a patient is completely unresponsive. It means a strong stimulus is required to get any reaction, and that reaction will be weaker than usual. * * Heres 1 way things can appear on a CMS monitor. The scale appears under the BIS-EEG wave, as does the suppression ratio if configured ON. Next to the BIS-EEG wave, is the trend of the BIS value over the last 30 minutes. And in the numeric field youll find the latest BIS, EMG, and SQI measurements. ETCO2-3 Water Vapor CO2 H2O 100% 75% 50% 25% 3000 4000 5000 H2O在波长小于3500nm及大于5000nm时有大量吸收 红外光现象:在4000nm区域并不受到H2O的影响,因此是测量CO2和N2O的理想范围 % CO 2 5 4 3 2 1 2 sec 正常潮气末二氧化碳曲线 快速记录 38 mm Hg 潮气末二氧化碳读数 12,5 mm/sec P Q R S % CO 2 5 4 3 2 1 2 sec 60 sec 慢速记录 38 mmHg 正常潮气末二氧化碳曲线 P Q R S 潮气末二氧化碳 二氧化碳波形可以根据以下指标来分析: 1。高度:潮气末二氧化碳分压值 2。频率:呼吸次数



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