精品课件_牛津上海版英语八下《CHAPTER 6 WATER TALK》PPT课件.ppt

精品课件_牛津上海版英语八下《CHAPTER 6 WATER TALK》PPT课件.ppt

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精品课件_牛津上海版英语八下《CHAPTER 6 WATER TALK》PPT课件

Oxford English Grade 8 Chapter 6 Water Talk By He Wenwen Bird nest Water cube It’s an Olympic stadium. * Hello, my friends. My name is Drizzle. I’m going to show you a video about my life. I hope you can know more about me. * Drizzle is a ______________. tiny water drop B. big water drop C. a cup of water 2. How many places has Drizzle been in the video? 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 3. Name as many of these places as you can. ___________________________________________ * * store of water 水库 a special factory where we give water a cleaning Water works reservoir thorough treatment * 1. thorough (adj.彻底的) e.g. The room needs a _________ cleaning. A. complete b. completely c. thoroughly complete =complete * 2. treatment (n.处理) = some done to change a thing or person treat v. 3. works (pl) n.工厂 = factory e.g. water treatment works 水处理厂(净水厂) * _________ plant place where waste water is cleaned so that it can be allowed to flow away safely 污水处理厂 water treatment works reservoir a sewage dirty water and waste matter (n.污物) =factory, works * 4. sewage (n. 污水/ 污物) = dirty water and waste matter 5. plant (n. 工厂) = building containing machines = factory/ works e.g. a sewage plant 污水处理厂 * Mr. Drizzle * cloud stream the Yangtze River reservoir the Huangpu River water treatment works sewage plant sea * Read paragraphs. 2. Discuss in groups and find verbs which show the process (过程) of the water cycle(水循环). * cloud stream Yangtze River reservoir Huangpu River float...enjoy drop …into speed…down…into (sped) carry…to relax travel…ran into get cleaned up * water treatment works sewage plant sea take.. to give…add… finish with…go to.. pump…into be back travel * Mr. Drizzle was __漂浮__ in the clouds and __欣赏__ the views. Then the clouds _把…掉落_ him ______ a stream. And he __加速_ _掉落_ the mountain. sped down , floating, enjoying, dropped…into… floating enjoying dropped into sped down



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