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经 络 Meridians and Collaterals 经络是人体气血运行的通路,它是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,同针灸学的关系密切。它是针灸学的理论核心。 Meridians and collaterals are the pathways in the human body, in which qi and blood are circulated. They are the important component of the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine, intimately related with acupuncture and moxibustion. They are the theoretical core of acupuncture and moxibustion. ;第一节:经络的基本概念 Section I: the basic concept of meridians and collaterals (Jing luo) 经络是经脉和络脉的总称。 Jing Luo in traditional Chinese medicine is the general term for meridians and collaterals. ; “经”指经脉,有路径的涵义,它们贯通上下,沟通内外,是经络系统中的主干。 “Jing” implying pathway refers to meridians that run longitudinally, linking the upper and lower, communicating the interior with the exterior, being the main trunk of the meridian and collateral system. ; “络”指络脉,犹如网络,它是经脉别出的细小分支,纵横交错,遍布全身。 “Luo” stands for collaterals which appear like a network, i.e. the fine branches diverging from meridians, running both longitudinally and transversely, distributed over the entire body. ; 经络学说是中国古代医家和劳动人民,在长期的生产和医疗实践中,不断观察、认识、积累、总结而逐渐形成的。 The meridian and collateral theory is gradually shaped in the longer period of production and medical practice by the ancient Chinese physicians and ordinary people through their observation, recognition of body reactions to some stimulation, and collection and summery of their experience. ;In the first ancient Chinese medical book Huang Di Nei Jing (The Internal Classic of Yellow Emperor) meridians and collaterals are already expounded in some details, which are continuously supplemented and gradually completed by physicians in the later dynasties. ; The formation of the meridian and collateral theory may undergo following ways: 1. Based on the summary of transmitting sensations along certain line of the limb or body felt by the individuals while having acupuncture or message treatment . 2. Based on the summary of th


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