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以 人體質量中心參數對橢圓滑步機作功能性評估 Functional evaluation of elliptical trainer with body COM 羅世忠 徐振凱 陳協慶 李正隆 吳欣潔 朝陽科技大學 ,吉峰東路 168 號 ,台中縣霧峰鄉 ,台灣 szlou@mail.cyut.edu.tw 摘要 近年國內運動風氣的興盛 ,時下年輕人使用運動器材健身比例節節升高 ,而市面上運動產品種類繁 多,再加上機構初始設計上符合人因工程實驗項目的情形並不普遍 ,倘若設計不良之運動器材將可能導 致運動者在動作上的不協調與不舒適 ,或是有可能導致肌肉骨骼傷害之風險 。 本研究目的以人體動作分析系統 ,以 人體質量中心COM(centerofmass)在空間中運動軌跡為評估參 數 ,並加以分析比較出較優良之橢圓滑步機設計 ,本研究則以目前市面上最為常見的橢圓滑步機作為實 驗設備 ;總共收集兩種不同型號之滑步機 ,針對每種型號做3種(輕 、中、重)不同負荷實驗。實驗結果發 現在兩台不同的機台上 ,COM在垂直高度與前後距離有顯著性差異 ,則在單一機台之負荷比較情況,只 有在輕負荷與重負荷發現 COM 左右軌跡有顯著性增加 。比對人體步態時 ,COM 的變化趨勢較接近走路 時的COM變化時 ,則橢圓滑步機呈現較舒適 。因此,透過 人體質量中心參數可以評估出較佳的橢圓滑步 機設計 。 關鍵詞 :橢圓滑步機 、人體質量中心、週期性運動 Abstract The exercise equipment used for strengthening and shaping body is getting more important due to the increased population in exercise. The musculoskeletal disorders happen while people conducting the exercise in unfitness exerciser. The purpose of this study was to compare two commonly used types of elliptical trainer using motion analysis system (Vicon 460). The resistant load was set to three levels: Light, Middle and High. Ten healthy young men without neuromusculoskeltal disorders were recruited and volunteered to conduct the experiment. In the result, there was significant difference in both vertical and anteral/posterial excursion compared with two types of elliptical trainer. There was significant difference in high load and light load compared among three levels of load. Compared with normal gait data, if the pattern of COM in elliptical trainer was similar to that in gait, the design of elliptical trainer was better fitted. Therefore Body COM is important parameter for functional evaluation of elliptical trainer. Keywords :Elliptical trainer, cente


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