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9. Just have one bowl of soup. 10. Finish all the food on your plate. In the USA, you are not supposed to eat with your hands. But in India you can. India USA Sushi 寿司 In Japan, at the beginning of the meal people will be very piously say itadakimasu (我要开始用餐了), after eating they say gochisosama (承蒙款待了). The Japanese used to pour wine for each other, not helped himself. In Japan Make noise It shows that you like the food. Point at someone with the chopsticks is impolite In Japan Eat or drink while walking down the street is impolite Korean food In korea people have meals are generally sitting around a piece of short legs square table around. Sat cross-legged fixed(盘腿席地而坐). Even the youngest person isn’t supposed to start eating first. In Korea Elders first. When eating your mouth cannot emit too loud noise. when finished you need put table chopsticks neatly on the desktop. Do not touch your feet , unbend(伸直双腿) or apart your legs when you sit cross-legged fixed(盘腿席地而坐). . Thank you for your attention. Eastern table manners tea–pot plate table cloth bowl chopsticks soup spoon Make the elders have a sit first. Wash you hands before each meal. Don’t speak too loudly. You’d better not eat too fast or too much. Dont speak with your mouth full of food. In China Dont stick the chopsticks upright in the bowl. Put up the bowl Lay … on… In China Sometimes, the Chinese host (主人) use their chopsticks to put food in others bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness(有礼貌、客气). Western table manners Western tableware Serving order ? ? ? ? starter main course drinks soup dessert starters soup main course dessert drinks 西方进餐礼仪 ——餐巾篇 餐巾摊开应该放何处? 餐巾万一不小心滑下去怎么办? 西方进餐礼仪 ——餐巾篇 想擦嘴时该怎么办? 错误:用纸巾擦。 正确:要用餐巾擦拭,餐巾有分正反面,通常有印该店LOGO的为正面,要用反折的内侧来擦,擦完盖在餐巾内侧不外露,如果整条布都擦得脏兮兮,就请服务生再换一条。 西方进餐礼仪


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