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整体活动思路 General Activity Thought ;整体活动思路 General Activity Thought ;08年度南区奥迪全车系试驾活动策划方案 Planning Project for 2008 South Area AUDI Car Test Drive Activity ;目录 Contents ;一、试驾活动策略思路 Strategy for Test Drive Activity ;本次活动任务 Assignment of the activity ;国云风对本次活动的理解 Understanding of GAAC to the activity ;本次活动在南区面临的挑战 Challenges of the activity in South Area ;本次活动在南区面临的挑战 Challenges of the activity in South Area ;07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis ;试驾培训和休息区Training and rest area for test drive ;全车系试驾 BMW test drive ;07年宝马全车系试驾分析 07 BMW test drive analysis ;如何应对挑战——我们的活动思路 How to face the challenges --- Our ideas ;二、试驾主题及活动亮点 Theme and Hot Spot of Test Drive ;试驾活动主题 Them of the Test Drive Activity ;试驾活动主题-备选1 Theme of Test Drive Activity – Option 1 ;活动亮点介绍 Introduction to the Hot Spot of Activity ;1896-1899;1932;1936-1937;活动亮点介绍 Introduction to the Hot Spot of Activity ;活动亮点介绍 Introduction to the Hot Spot of Activity ;活动亮点介绍 Introduction to the Hot Spot of Activity ;三、试驾活动内容介绍 Introduction to the Contents of Test Drive Activity and Budget ;试驾活动内容介绍 Introduction to the Contents of Test Drive Activity ;帐篷总效果图;百年奥迪展示区;签到区及奥迪珠峰火炬展示区;休闲娱乐区及商务洽谈区;自助餐饮区;百年奥运展示区;舞台;帐篷外观选择;帐篷外展示物料;帐篷平面图;活动时间建议 Suggestion on Date ;活动地点建议 Suggestion on Site ;奥迪激情全体验分站赛:2008年6月-7月 Audi Enthusiastic Experience Sub-Station Competition: June-JULY, 2008 ; 奥迪激情全体验 AUDI Enthusiastic Experience : 活动人数:100人 X 2天,共200人 Attendants: 100 persons X 2 days, altogether 200 persons 媒体:20人 Media: 20 persons 大客户:60人 Key Clients: 60persons 奥迪潜在客户:80人 AUDI potential clients: 80 persons 奥迪车主:40人(吸引再次购买) AUDI car owner: 40 persons (attract them to buy again) ;活动车辆运输路线 Car Transportation Route ;深圳站活动 Shenzhen Station Activity ;深圳-国际会展中心 Shenzhen -International Exhibition Center ;深圳国际会展中心 Shenzhen International Exhibition Center ;现场展示及体验 Site show and experience ;体验奥迪科技 Experience AUDI technologies ; 试驾路线及场次安排 Arrangement of test drive route 每天预约100位嘉宾到现场进行试驾活动,分别为上午40名嘉宾下午60名嘉宾,预设第2天上午为媒体试驾; 为了让


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