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京族 现有人口约1.8万,主要分布在广西壮族自治区防城市。有自己的语 言,通用汉文。信仰天主教和道教。主要从事沿海渔业,兼营农业 和养殖业。 The Jing Population: About 18,000. The Jing primarily live on three small islands called the Jing Islands, off the coast of the Multinational Autonomous County of Fangcheng in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Its ancestors came from Vietnam in the early 16th century. They have long lived with the Han people, therefore most of them are fluent in the Han language. Jing people have rich knowledge about the sea, and have lived by fishing, from which they have developed a fish-processing industry, pearl cultivation, and sea horses. 独龙族 现有人口约5800 ,主要分布在云南西北部。有自己的语言,使用汉 文。独龙族以从事农业为主,但保留着渔猎的传统。他们相信万物 有灵,崇拜山川、河流、大树、巨石等自然物。 The Drung Population: About 5,800. The Drung people live within the Drung River Valley in northwestern Yunnan Province. They have their own form of spoken language, but no written counterpart. The area where the Drung live is covered with dense forests, where many rare birds and animals live. The Drung mainly live as hunters as well as fishermen. The Drung River Valley is a very remote area, therefore the Drungs have had little contacts with the outside world. As a result, they have retained a unique and primitive customs. 赫哲族 现有人口约4200 ,主要分布在黑龙江省。有自己的语言,通用汉文 。信仰萨满教,相信万物有灵。赫哲族是中国北方唯一的以捕鱼为 生的民族。 The Hezhen Population: About 4,200. The Hezhen is one of the smallest of Chinas fifty-six minority groups. For generations, the Hezhen lived on the Three-River Plain in Heilongjiang Province. The area is rich in marshland, making it easier to find wild animals and fish. The Hezhen are expert fishermen. For a long time, they were not only consumers of fish, but also made clothes, hats, and shoes from the fish skin. Such practices earned them the name, Fish-Skin Tribe. 珞巴族 现有人口约2300 ,主要分布在西藏自治区南部。有自己的语言,使 用藏文。信仰万物有灵的原始宗教和藏传佛教。主要从事农业。采 集和打猎在生产和生活中也占相当的比重。 The Lhoba Population: About 2,300. The Lhoba people live in areas at the foot of the Himalaya


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