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170 Ⅱ 铁路信号专业术语 1.4毫米锁闭 check 4mm opening of as witch point 2.矮型信号机 dwarf signal 3.安全电路 vital circuit 4.安全接点 safety contact 5.按钮 push-in button 6.按钮表示 button indication 7.半自动闭塞机 semi-automatic block machine 8.半自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks 9.半自动化驼峰系统 semi-automatic hump yard system 10.保护区段 overlap protection block section 11.备电源 stand-by power source 12.被控点 controlled point 13.闭路式轨道电路 close type track circuit 14.闭塞分区 block section 15.闭塞机 block instrument 16.臂板接触器 contacts operated by semaphore 17.臂板转极器 pole changer operated by semaphore 18.变压器箱 transformer box 19.标准分路灵敏度 standard shunting sensitivity 20.表示 indication 21.表示灯 indication lamp 22.表示灯电源 power source for indication lamp 23.表示电路 indication circuit 24.表示对象 indicated object 25.表示杆 indication rod 26.表示连接杆 connecting rod for indication 27.表示盘 indicating panel 28.表示器 indicator 29.表示周期 indication cycle 30.并联式轨道电路 multiply connected track circuit 31,并置信号点 double signal location 32.不对称脉冲轨道电路 asymmetrical impulse track circuit 33.不限时人工解锁 manual non-time release 34.材质不良 bad material 35.操纵台 operating console 36.侧撞 conering 37.测长 distance-to-coupling measurement 38.测试环线 test loop 39.测速 speed measurement 40.测重 weight sensing 171 41测阻 rollability measurement 42.插接不良 plug-in trouble 43,岔中绝缘 insulated joint within a turnout 44.场间联系电路 liaison circuit between yards 45。车挡表示器 buffer stop indicator 46。车辆存在监测器 presence monitor 47.车辆加速器 car accelerator 48。车轮传感器 wheel detector 49.车门自动控制 automatic train door control 50.车站控制 station master control 51.出站信号机 starting signal 52.储风罐 air reservoir 53.储酸室 acid storeroom 54.传动系统 driving system 55.传输继电器 transmitting relay 56.串联式轨道电路 serially connected track circuit 57.磁路系统 magnetic circuit 58.从属信号机 dependent signal


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