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《Forrest Gump》 classical movie director:Robert Zemeckis 罗伯特·泽米吉斯 starring:Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯 《阿甘正传》 /EApingtaix9408?preview Forrest gump, is a according to novel American movies, the author of the novel Winston lattice LuM, the movie won best picture Oscar in 1995, the Oscar for best actor and best director Oscar such six awards. Movie introduction During the 1990s, American societyof anti-intellectual sentiment is in high spirits. Hollywood launched a batch of film about demeaning to modern civilization, advocating low IQ and to return to the original, the American media called anti-intellectual movie. Forrest gump is a masterpiece of anti-intellectual movies. 20世纪90年代,美国社会的反智情绪高涨,好莱坞于是推出了一批贬低现代文明、崇尚低智商和回归原始的影片,美国媒体称之为“反智电影”。《阿甘正传》就是这一时期反智电影的代表作, It through an IQ of 75 intellectually disabled the description of life reflects American every aspect of life, and to the United States with unique Angle of social political life in decades of important events did show. It makes americans re-examine countries and personal past, to reflect the nature of americans. Forrest Gump 福雷斯·甘 它通过对一个智商为75的智障者生活的描述反映了美国生活的方方面面,并以独特的角度对美国几十年来社会政治生活中的重要事件做了展现。它使美国人重新审视国家和个人的过去,重新反省美国人的本质。 Forrest gump in movies are shaping became the incarnation of virtue, honesty and trustworthiness, conscientiously, brave paying feelings. Who knows only pay for not repay, also never mind other people refuse. He is open-minded, intimates facing life. 阿甘在影片中被塑造成了美德的化身,诚实、守信、认真、勇敢而重视感情。对人只懂付出不求回报,也从不介意别人拒绝。他只是豁达、坦荡地面对生活。 Forrest gumps childhood Forrest gump was born in the southern Alabama a block of small town. His inborn weak-minded, IQ is only 75. Yet his mother is a strong-minded woman. She will let the son live like other people. She often encourage gump stupid is as stupid does. God did not abandon forrest gump. He gave gump pair of pledge of such as fly legs,and a simple and straight, not the mind with no evil thoughts. 阿甘出生在美国南方亚拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇。他先天弱智,


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