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On Expressing Tactics of Business Negotiation Based on Characters Difference 班级:英语(国商) 答辩人:曾景阳 学号:200730110131 指导老师:祝海林 Topic background Globalization Geography History Tradition Politics Religion … Introduction 1. Influential factors in business negotiation 1.1 Value and behavior in specific society 1.2 Talking art and policy making style 1.3 Difficult disposition and misunderstanding for different character 2. Character Analysis of the foreign traders 2.1 Traders` characters in Asian 2.1.1 Chinese 2.1.2 Japanese 2.1.3 Indian 2.2 Trader character from Euro 2.2.1 British 2.2.2 French 2.2.3 Germany 2.2.4 Russian 2.3 Trader from America 2.4 Traders’ character in Africa 3. Business expressing tactics based on character difference 3.1 Modes of expressing tactics 3.2 Expressing tactic to deal with people in difference character 3.2.1 Being carefully before perfectionist 3.2.2 Gratefulness for helper 3.2.3 Efficiency before achiever 3.2.4 Concern for individualist 3.2.5 Friendship with loyalist 3.2.6 Entertainment and Enthusiast 3.2.7 Promote before peacemaker 3.2.8 Reacting before thinker Conclusion significance To avoid or reduce the difficult disposition and misunderstanding Theoretical Structure Problem Analysis Tactics Key chapter Business expressing tactics based on character difference Conclusion 1.This essay has caused Chinese traders realization of the different character , which easily lead to the difficult disposition and misunderstanding. 2. It is the seldom seen topic that researches the character associate with the business negotiation. For lacking the specialized level, I hope the deeper research on this topic that appears more in the future. * Economy exchange Difference Character Difficult disposition and misunderstanding Structure Importance of character factor Character analysis of foreign traders from different country Business expressing tactics based on char


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