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《免疫学基础与病原生物学》教学大纲 课程编号: 课程名称:免疫学基础与病原生物学 Basic Immunology Pathogeneticbiology 开课(二级)学院:基础医学院 课程性质:必修课 学分:5学分 学时:本课程总学时为70学时。其中课堂讲授55学时,实验教学15学时。 前期课程:生物学、生物化学、生理学、解剖学、组织学 授课对象:中医学专业(医药结合、医院管理、中医、骨伤方向) 护理学专业 针推学专业 药学专业 考核方式:期末卷面考试占50%、平时成绩(课堂练习、考勤状况)占30%。实验考核(包括实验操作、实验报告)占20%。 课程基本要求(或课程简介): 本课程为面向中医院校各主要医学专业和部分涉医专业的基础课程。本课程帮助学生较全面的学习、掌握免疫学与病原生物学两门学科的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能。要求学生重点掌握免疫学涉及的所有基本概念与免疫系统最基本的构成;重点掌握病原生物(微生物、寄生虫)及病原生物学涉及的所有基本概念以及各类病原生物的共同致病特性与危害方式。 This is a basic course for the medical science and relative specialties in TCM colleges. It is a required course for students who have finished Biology and other basic medical courses. This course focuses on theoretic lectures associated with experimental course, which could help students with integrating and mastering basic theory, knowledge and skills of immunology pathobiology. In the learning process, the students are particularly required to master all basic concepts on immunology, the fundamental structure of immune system and the basic concepts of pathobiology, including their common pathogenic characteristics and harmful ways. This course also focuses on fostering the scientific spirit with preciseness, seriousness, factualism and innovation. It pays attention to knowledge connection with related courses and transition and acceptance for the students. Multi-media courseware is adopted as one of the teaching methods in this course, and also includes multi-group comprehensive experiments, helping students with a visual impression about general inspective methods and preventive regularity of pathological microbial. This course is aimed to achieve the basic requirements of Immunology Pathobiology, and reach the corresponding education target for the students majoring in medicine and the relative specialties. 大纲内容: 一、前言 二、教学要求和内容、方法 第一章 免疫学绪论 【目的要求】 1.掌握免疫、免疫力、先天性免疫、获得性免疫的概念。 2.掌握免疫系统的基本组成与主要功能。 3.了解免疫学的形成与发展。 【教学内容】 1.免疫现象、免疫与免疫力的概念。 2.先天性免疫与获得性免疫的组成与作用。 3.免疫系统的基本组成(免疫分子、免疫


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