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浅谈快速消费品库存管理库存管理是企业在生产经营活动中十分重要组成部分,同时它是供应链管理中的非常核心的指标之一。库存管理使物流均衡通畅既保证正常生产和供应又能合理压缩库存资金以得到较好的经济效果。是很多企业和经济学家追求的目标而且是企业之间竞争生存的重要一环。反映库存管理水平的指标有很多多数企业一般都通过减少订货费用和库存保管费用来节约库存管理的成本或者利用库存周转率来评价库存绩效而忽视了缺货损失费对库存成本的影响以及由于缺货所造成对顾客响应时间的延长和服务水平的下降从而带来顾客资源的损失。本文以为例指出了快速消费品企业的库存管理问题分析企业目前存在的库存风险并提出。 The inventory management of fast consumable ——Takes NingBo TianHe Trading Co.,Ltd for example Abstract Inventory management is a very important part in the production and operating activities of enterprises, at the same time, it is the very core indexes in supply chain management. Inventory management can make logistics equilibrium unobstructed, it is not only ensure normal production and supply, but also compresses stock funds reasonable, and get good economic benefit. Therefore, inventory management is the goal which many enterprises and economists pursuit and it is an important annulus of the survival competition between enterprises. There are many indexes which can reflect the level of inventory management, many enterprises by reducing order commonly used to save costs and inventory the safekeeping fee, or using inventory turns to evaluate inventory performance, and ignore the shortage of inventory cost amendment, and the influence caused by customers because of shortage of the extension of response time and service level in their bodies decline, thus to bring customers resources loss. This paper takes NingBo TianHe Trading Co.,Ltd as an example, points out the problem of FMCG enterprise inventory management, analyze the inventory risk of enterprise existing, and put forward the countermeasures of improving fast consumable enterprise inventory management. Key words:FMCG;inventory management;Supply chain;CPFR;RFID 目 录 引言 1 一、绪论 2 (一)课题背景与动机 2 (二)研究目的与方法 2 (三)研究范围与限制 3 二、相关理论介绍 4 (一)快速消费品介绍 4 (二)库存以及库存管理 6 三、快速消费品库存管理的现状和问题分析 9 (一)快速消费品库存管理的现状和问题 9 (二)快速消费品库存管理存在问题的原因分析 9 四、国内快速消费品企业库存管理的SWOT分析——以宁波天和商贸为例 11 五、快速消费品库存管理的改善对策分析 13 (一)精细化管理—设立指标 13 (二)系统化管理—供应链与库存系统 13 (三)CPFR与


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