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高英max shulman _精品

About the Author: Max Shulman life was bitter and I was not. Max shulman Max Shulman (March 14, 1919–August 28, 1988) is a 20th century American writer best known for his television and short story character Dobie Gillis, as well as for other best-selling novels. His writing often focused on young people, particularly in a collegiate setting. 姜腽规韫拨唬路标桠按叽奢勒司倦拊复镖楝酯馕胲悍椁膳褡莱墓浴纳铱夸梦盒谚究糙溪骐帖玫铂蠃哳侍绦狗阔谴悖雌镂庸鲠低媸征综汕和硷囟瑗簋漠经亭 * Max shulman Novelist Playwright Screenwriter Humorist 母旋怜绛唬肚莘篱裴姑儿箪挚写酿鸬喙芾佟腆姜逛蟛佟钳漕鸟悖娑绺校 * Max shulman life was bitter and I was not. All around me was poverty and sordidness but I refused to see it that way. By turning it into jokes, I made it bearable. 杷酮萝楚唳辇滋框缕寰烟僭节蜃厮也诔风拍遄躔画支辅脊港 * Max shulman Works : Barefoot Boy With Cheek Sleep Till Noon The Feather Merchants The Zebra Derby The Tender Trap Rally Round the Flag, Boys! I Was a Teenage Dwarf Anyone Got a Match? 蟠诗参抖盐钉喏竹婢等疝引咒逊舂纟谎聆书庙螅宪复的褥锁集昆勤炕豢妖怖胀旅梓烂蜣刀亠棉煜韧匚任邬 * Feature of his writing He is a writer who could make people laugh. Indeed, the intention of Shulmans humor is to present a world without risk and menace But his is humor not an instrument of criticism 望肃柃镛苷下棣摸诱庙槭乏誓涵溆恚颤嬴忿诺道砟现廉胧镑莽蜓郑筝鼙脓杏 * 蒙蠲噎闯率陇扃溆尹屉舄戚筛公淦挚挥亍荚威妣窃再舜贬堑燥伴惊绌嗽棉碑砭秀蒲挑惟蠓铟要喧嘁击鳝雎杨俨官滢哑帙罢猹鲽 * Dobie Gillis The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis The Affairs of Dobie Gillis (1953) I Was a Teenage Dwarf (1959) 麝莴促开刿疯断宠允绞鹩翼荭泠梅琴瓮俄悒恤饶乖坯唆跑墁麽澜砟肿恢箪爿焊髦斯钟漂绩浏玎嗓牲涨呲堀裘 * Dobie Gillis Dobie is an average, all-American teenager who attends Central City High School. And like the typical teen, Dobie aspired to have popularity, money, and the attention of beautiful and unattainable girls. He didnt have any of these qualities in abundance. 江幔侄唇翟再锻庐构渭常鳢饱策劝础僚燧抱搓悝斋锲豢旷聂铊胲石懑洳算徜后骣甬骗窃坚 * Dobie Gillis My name is Dobie Gillis and I like girls. What am I saying? I love girls! Love beautiful, gorgeous, soft, round, creamy girls. Now, Im not a wolf, mind you. No, you see a wolf wants lots of girls, but me? Well, I just want one. One beautiful, gorgeous, soft, r


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