高二英语牛津译林版选修7 精品课件 unit1 living with technology-reading tv and audio devices_精品.ppt

高二英语牛津译林版选修7 精品课件 unit1 living with technology-reading tv and audio devices_精品.ppt

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高二英语牛津译林版选修7 精品课件 unit1 living with technology-reading tv and audio devices_精品

* * * * * * * * * * * * 中国教考资源网 教考资源网是中国教育考试资源门户网站,提供中小学试卷、教案、课件、视音频、素材及各类教学资源下载 * 资源来自教考资源网() 金太阳新课标资源网 M7 Unit1 高二英语牛津译林版选修7 精品课件 unit1 living with technology-reading tv and audio devices What would life be like without them? Free talk audio devices Reading: TV and audio devices a review a report of past events Guess according to the title: What does the passage talk about? What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage? Read the text and finish Part A on P2. 1. When did regular public TV broadcasting begin around the world? 2. What is WebTV? 3. What was invented in 1954? It began on 11 May 1928 in New York and in London on 20 August 1929. It is the TV set combined with the World Wide Web. The cassette recorder. Fast-reading: True or false exercises Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice. 2. Until 1972, most people used black-and-white TV. 3. Satellite TV is delivered with greater clarity than digital TV. 4. The first record player was invented before 1877. 5. Transistor technology was first used to receive radio programmes, and then to develop cassette recorders. 6. CDs were invented about ten years before the MD player was invented. 7. MP3 technology began in Germany in 1987. Digital TV satellite TV after military use for (by _______ of equipment) ______history of TV types (in order of______ ) Early history of____________ _________________________ ______ goes digital TV Audio devices Early time modern Sound age: Cable TV, satellite TV, digital TV,… The _______ audio devices Tape recorders and players How is the passage organized _______________. A. by paragraphs B. in chronological order C. by concepts D. by sub-topics Structure specific years the events Careful-reading history of TV Year Event First public showings of wireless TV transmissions were made in the USA. Cable TV began in the USA; 3 American scientists in


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