Book One Module 6 Reading and Vocabulary 高一英语课件教案 外研版.ppt

Book One Module 6 Reading and Vocabulary 高一英语课件教案 外研版.ppt

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Book One Module 6 Reading and Vocabulary 高一英语课件教案 外研版

Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications English Office shaolin The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world and it’s accessible through a computer. * screen monitor mouse keyboard CD-ROM Names of each part hard disk 2 3 4 5 6 Group work: Computers and the Internet are getting more and more popular, do you know what we can do via(通过)the Internet? Answers Reading and vocabulary Review vocabulary 1 2 3 4 accessible academic 可以得到的,可以使用的 学术的 defence 反击,防卫 develop 发展 percentage 比例,百分比 army 军队 communication 交流 lecturer 演讲者 military 军事的 source 来源,发源地 consist of millionaire 组成,构成 百万富翁 network 网络 system 系统 university 大学 create 创造 data 数据 organisation 组织,机构 web 网络 web browser 网络浏览器 Listen to the tape carefully and answer some questions 1.What is the Internet? 2. How did it start ? 3.What is the World Wide Web? 4. Who invented it? 1.What is the Internet? 1991 1989 1984 1969 DARPA created a network of computers called DARPANET NSF started the NSFNET network Berners-Lee came up with the idea of the world wide web Berners-Lee invented the world wide web The World Wide Web is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. 3.What is the World Wide Web? 4. Who invented it? Tim Berners--Lee. 1 2 3 4 1. The US army were the first people to use a network of computers. ( ) 2. The percentage of websites in English is going up. ( ) 3. Tim Berners-Lee built his first computer while he was at university. ( ) T F T 1. The World Wide Web is a computer network. ( ) 2. It allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. ( ) 3. At the moment about 80 percent of web traffic is in Chinese. ( ) T T F 1.There are millions of pages of information on the Internet . 2. The US army were the first people who used an Internet system . 3. Universities started using the Internet at the same time as the army . ( T ) ( T ) ( F


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