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Content 目录 Recap On The Brief 简报重点回顾 Business Objective 市场目标 Communication Objective 广告目标 Target Audience 目标消费者 Proposition 主张 Support 支持点 Creative Concept 创意概念 Logo Slogan 标识与广告语 Creative Proposal 创意展示 Business Objective 市场目标 给消费者创造一个对上海大众新业务 ---- 附件业务的认知 Create awareness for the new business field of SVW Accessory business Communication Objective 广告目标 吸引展厅中的参观者进入附件业务区域并发生兴趣 Attract the showroom visitors to the Accessory area in the showroom and interest them 建立上海大众附件业务品牌 Branding SVW accessory business Target Audience 目标消费者 那些希望使自己的车个性化,吸引别人 关注自己车的人群 People who wish to individualize their cars and care more about their cars Proposition 主张 Support 支持点 Logo Development 标识发展 Shape Extension 外型延展 Color Guideline 颜色规范 Area Floor Plan 区域俯视图 Waitress Uniform 服务小姐服装 Info Counter 咨询台 Leaflet Holder 折页架 Brochure 说明册 Receipt 收据 Shelf 展示架 Shelves 展示架 Greaser Cabinet 加油柜 Price Tag 价格牌 - 1 Price Tag 价格牌 - 2 Box 包装箱 Bottle 包装瓶 Car Perfume 车载香熏 T-Shirt T恤 Ceiling Tags 吊牌 Toy boxes 装饰盒 Rim Show 车轮展示区 Baby Chair Show 儿童座椅展示区 Wall 墙体 Outdoor Signage 户外导向 Poster 海报 - 1 Poster 海报 - 2 SVW ACCESSORY PROJECT 上海大众附件区设计提案 1st September, 2005 2005年9月1日 提供一个附件业务的LOGO和主张的建议 Deliver proposals for logo and claim 建议一个附件业务在经销商展厅内的陈列布置的规模 Suggest items to be in ratio to the real size of the Accessory exposure in the showroom 建议业务范围中各种产品项目的比例 Suggest items to be in ratio to the scope of business 设计一个能体现高档次附件业务的POS材料 Design and PoS items have to reflect the positioning as premium accessories but yet affordable Recap on briefing 简报重点回顾 加些配件,让您的车与众不同 We add colours to your car 上海大众为消费者提供有吸引力的附件组合 SVW is offering attractive accessories packages to the customer Creative Concept 创意概念 By an interesting expression to create SVW accessory area “Shop Within Shop” concept brand, get customers experience the enjoyment fun from car individuation in a comfortable unique environment 凭借一种有趣, 轻松的表现方式创造上海大众附件区店中店 的概念与


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