S公司中层管理者绩效考核若干问题对策探讨( 12页).doc

S公司中层管理者绩效考核若干问题对策探讨( 12页).doc

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S公司中层管理者绩效考核若干问题对策探讨( 12页)

S公司中层管理者绩效考核若干问题 对策探讨 陈黎佳 管理学院工商管理系工商管理专业(人力资源管理方向) (学号2001045035) 指导老师:刘军教授 【内容提要】 随着国外人力资源管理思想的引进,原来一直在管理上存在效率低下、人浮于事的国企业对人力资源管理发生了浓厚的兴趣,纷纷按照先进的人力资源管理理念制订并在企业内部推行新的绩效考核制度,甚至很多企业不惜花重金聘请国内外的咨询公司制订相关制度。但这种轰轰烈烈的改革往往执行了一段时间后就没了声音,企业运行还是照旧,效果往往并不理想。时至今日,很多企业开始反思,到底问题出在那里呢?5方面问题,并作了原因分析,提出了5个方面的对策。论文选题具有较大的实际意义,论文观点正确,分析较为深刻,结构较为合理,逻辑性较强,引用了大量文献资料,表现出了作者对所研究问题的把握与分析概括能力。论文符合本科规范化的要求。 Measures to the appraising performance of S company’s middle managers Chen Lijia Human resource management , Dept.of Human resource management, school of management (study number: 2001045035) Supervisor: Liu Jun professor abstract:Along with the introduction of the professional concepts and functions of human resource management from the western world, it has attracted many state-owned enterprises’ attentions who has been suffering with management problems, such as, inefficient and overstaffed, etc.. From all parts of the country, domestic companies started evolving solution to these key problems in accordance with the advanced human resource concepts, and developed the performance appraising system. Many companies even spent much higher costs on hiring domestic or international consulting companies in order to work out a scheme and reach their goals. However, it happens frequently that the vigorous implements fail after a while, and companies return to the original positions without significant improvements. Nowadays, stat-owned enterprises start rethinking profoundly about what could possibly be wrong with the management. During my internship in company S, I have witnessed the assessing process through following the tracks of daily processing, interviewing and summarizing. This paper is aimed at evolving suitable implementations for state-owned enterprises to increase competitively, efficiency, and to maintain development in the long run. Key Words: middle managers, performance appraising, measure 长期以来,中国稍具规模的企业里都设有人事部,或称劳动人事部。近年来已有不少企业纷纷摘下劳动人事部的牌子,而改换为人力资源部。能否说牌子换了,观念就变了,功能就变了,人员结


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