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2009 年 3 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.24 No. 3 第 24 卷第 3 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Mar. 2009 基于磁通补偿的高压大容量可控电抗器 张 宇 陈乔夫 程 路 季 方 (华中科技大学电机及控制工程系 武汉 430074 ) 摘要 研究了一种新型的基于磁通补偿的高压大容量可控电抗器(CRMFC) 。对于带气隙的变 压器,控制它的二次侧电流,使其与一次侧电流反相(或同相) ,那么,可以在变压器的一次侧端 口得到随着一、二次侧电流大小比例变化的电抗值。为了提高电抗器的电压等级和容量,将变压 器设计成多绕组的结构形式。文中从理论上证明了多绕组共同工作与双绕组的等效性,讨论了该 可控电抗器合适的工作区间,并提出了适合此类可控电抗器的控制方法。在此基础上,研制成功 了6kV 、800kVar 的实验样机,并进行了大量的实验。实验结果证明,该电抗器具有低谐波、快 响应、大范围连续可调和低损耗等优点。 关键词:可控电抗器 磁通补偿 高压大容量 多绕组 中图分类号:TM761 A High-Voltage and Large-Capacity Controllable Reactor Based on Magnetic Flux Compensating Zhang Yu Chen Qiaofu Cheng Lu Ji Fang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China ) Abstract In this paper, a novel high-power controllable reactor based on magnetic flux compensating (CRMFC) is studied. For a transformer with air gaps, when the secondary current is controlled inverse in phase (or in phase) to the primary current, the reactance presented on the primary port will vary linearly with the amplitude ratio of primary and secondary current. To improve the power and voltage ratings, the multi-winding transformer is employed. In this paper, the theoretic equivalency of the multiple-winding and double-winding transformer working is proved, and the appropriate operating range of the reactor is discussed; meanwhile, a practical control scheme is proposed. A rated 6kV, 800kVar prototype is developed. The experimental results show that CRMFC has many advantages such as little harmonic, fast response, wide continuous-adjusting range, low loss etc. Keywords :Controllable reactor, magnetic flux


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