
液体粘滞阻尼器在超高层结构上抗震抗风效果 和经济分析.pdf

液体粘滞阻尼器在超高层结构上抗震抗风效果 和经济分析.pdf

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液体粘滞阻尼器在超高层结构上抗震抗风效果 和经济分析

液体粘滞阻尼器在超高层结构上抗震抗风效果 和经济分析 1 1 1 陈永祁 ,曹铁柱 ,马良喆 ( 1.北京奇太振控科技发展有限公司,北京 100037) 内容摘要:对于保护在地震及大风环境下的高层和超高层建筑,加设液体粘滞阻尼器是目前被工程界广 泛认同、发展最为迅速、最为有效的结构振动保护方案。本文综合介绍了国内外安装液体粘滞阻尼器的 七座高层建筑,对阻尼器的安置方式、减振结构的抗震 (振)效果、相关规范以及经济性进行评述。墨 西哥Mayor 大楼、美国波士顿大楼是世界工程界成功应用耗能减震装置的经典案例,银泰中心、盘古大 观是我国首批使用阻尼器进行减振控制的超高层建筑,文中对这些工程采用的计算分析方法,结构抗震 设计进行汇总,并提供相关建议和意见,供设计者参考。近期美国几位学者在对一座 42 层钢筋混凝土 结构进行概念设计中,提出采用阻尼器替代剪力墙体系进行抗震设计的理念,本文对这一高层建筑工程 的抗震新方向进行介绍,引为参考。 关键词:液体粘滞阻尼器;跨层大支撑;套索式安置;加强层阻尼器;TMD 系统; The Function and Economic Effective of Fluid Viscous Dampers to reduce Seismic and Wind Vibrations in High-rise Buildings 1 1 1 Yongqi Chen , Tiezhu Cao , Liangze Ma ( 1.Beijing Qitai Shock Control and Scientific Development Co. Ltd., Beijing 100037, China) Abstract :Fluid Viscous Dampers (FVD) as the best high-rise structural vibration protection system plays the important role in the rapid expansion of High-Rise building in the world. The seven buildings with FVD, including Mexico Torre Mayor and Boston 111 Huntington building are two successful examples in the world; Silvetie Center and Pangu Plaza, the two of tall buildings in Beijing are review and compared on the installation, the damper¡s function and the economic for the reducing vibration subjected to seismic and wind load. The evaluation for these topics is put forward to discuss with readers. And the designed 42story Peer Tower, comparing the dampers system and share wall system, introdu



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