希腊罗马神话欣赏10--Hermes Dionysus.ppt

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子女 娶 妻 戏弄弥达斯 * * Hermes (Mercury) 奔跑的墨丘利 乔万尼·达·博隆纳 1564~1565年 青铜 佛罗伦萨国立博物馆 墨丘利 Winged Helmet Winged Sandals Wand Sacred animal Tortoise 象征物 众神的信使 God of Heralds Messenger and Herald of Zeus The Greek post office has Hermes as its symbol 行路人的保护神 God of Travelers Stones that marked roads and boundaries -- often adorned with the carved head of Hermes and a fertility phallus 牧人的保护神 God of Shepherds Guardian of Flocks and Herds 职责 小偷的保护神 God of Thieves Expert in deception, lies, and stealing 商人的保护神 God of Merchants Known for his cunning and shrewdness 职责 天生的贼 出生 Hermes was born in a cave. Zeus had impregnated Maia at the dead of night while all other gods slept. When dawn broke amazingly he was born. Maia wrapped him in swaddling bands, then fell fast asleep. 出生第一天的第一件事 — 偷牛 挣脱襁褓 — 溜到色萨利(Thessaly,阿波罗的牧场 ) 偷牛 —藏匿(tricks) 回洞穴(乌龟里拉琴)--溜回襁褓 阿波罗找牛 阿波罗与赫尔墨斯的争吵 宙斯的调停:结果 ① ② ③ 众神的信使 宙斯的馈赠(golden winged sandals )与任命 赫尔墨斯的回报: 效忠 赫尔墨斯完成的任务 冥界之旅 解救宙斯的情人和私生子 He led the dead to the River Styx. During the travels of Odysseus, he delivered a message to Calypso to release Odysseus. He returned Persephone from the underworld. 冥界之旅 He lead Orpheus(俄耳甫斯)to get his wife Eurydice(欧律狄刻)back. Himself an illegitimate offspring of Zeus. He tricked Hera into suckling him by making her think he was Ares. By tricking Hera in this way, Hermes was able to limit Hera’s anger toward him. 解救宙斯的情人和私生子 如何平息赫拉的怒火? Io Dionysus 赫尔墨斯与狄奥尼索斯 普拉克西特列斯 希腊古典时期后期 希腊奥林匹亚博物馆 潘(Pan)-- a satyr 身材: 外貌:wrinkled face; prominent chin; two horns; hairy body (羊) 象征物:潘笛/排箫(reed pipe); 松叶冠(crown of pine needles) 特点:善奔跑、攀岩(羊); 好色(goat) Satyr:林神 (好色之徒;淫棍) a god of fertility, unbridled male sexuality and carnal desire. He chased nymphs through the forests and mountains in the shape of a goat. Pan was not very liked by the other Greek gods. 赫马佛洛狄忒斯 Hermaphroditus 美男子; 为仙女(nymph)萨尔玛西斯(Salmacis)所爱 湖中沐浴; 仙女求爱 拒绝—拥抱—试图逃脱 仙女的祈祷 结


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