必修2Module2 导学案No Drugs-Introduction amp; Reading and vocabulary.doc

必修2Module2 导学案No Drugs-Introduction amp; Reading and vocabulary.doc

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必修2 Module 2 period 1导学案 课题 设计人 李双甫 学生姓名 小组 审核人 学习时间 第 周 年 月 日 “导学案”编号 2-2-1 一、课程标准 进一步明确英语学习的目的,发展自主学习和合作学习的能力,形成有效的英语学习策略,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 二、学习目标 1. some words and phrases about smoking and drugs. (addictive, inject, break into...) 2. Improve reading ability.(skimming; scanning; careful-reading) 3. Keep away from drugs and value our life. 三学习重难点1. Practise students’ reading skills. 2. Let students gain more information about the harm of drugs. 四、学法指导 1. Task-based methodology 2. Communicative Approach. 五、学习过程: Step. Introduction Task1. Talk about the harm of smoking. Task2. Choose the answers you think are correct. During the 1990s, (21,000/21,000,000) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. 2. A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/20) cigarettes a day will die prematurely(过早地) as aresult of smoking. 3. In the United Kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000) deaths a year. 4. Thirteen people die (every hour/every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. 5. Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking. StepⅡ. Words and phrases Task1. Find words in the box which mean. bronchitis cancer cigarette death die heart disease injured tobacco 1.the end of life_________________ 2.stop living____________________ 3.two things some people smoke______________________ 4.three illness___________________ 5.hurt________________ Task2.Match the words or phrases with their meanings. 1. to enter a building illegally, probably to steal something. break into 2. a person who sells drugs illegally. drug dealer 3. the speed at which the heart beats. heart rate 4.



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