报刊选读课件 unit 6.ppt

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报刊选读课件 unit 6

保定学院外语系英语教研室 英美报刊选读 1111111111111 英美报刊选读 unit 6 华中科技大学出版社 吴潜龙 编著 Introduction to Newspaper English 新闻结构(news structure)是指新闻的组织结构,它体现新闻中新闻事实的安排次序和内部联系。英语新闻结构有多种形式,常见的有:倒金字塔结构(Inverted Pyramid Structure)、编年史机构(Chronological Structure)、聚焦结构(Focus Structure)(或称《华尔街日报》结构)(Wall Street Journal Structure)、对话结构(Extended-Dialogue Structure)、沙漏式结构(Hourglass Structure)、第一人称结构(First-Person Structure)等。但是,英语报刊上的绝大多数新闻,尤其是硬新闻(Hard News)都是用倒金字塔结构写的。一般来说,用倒金字塔结构写成的新闻包括三个部分:标题(Headline)、导语(Lead)和正文(Body)。 Unit 6 Political Issues in Britain and Europe Sarkozy Wins Battle to Loosen 35-hour Workweek Words and Expressions Para.1 ① legislator: n. member of a legislature 立法者 legislate, legislation, legislature, legislator ② sidestep: v. evade ( a question, etc) 回避(问题等) eg: He sidestepped the issue by saying it was not part of his responsibilities. ③ negotiate: v. try to reach agreement by discussion 商议;谈判;协商 eg: We’ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim. ④ overtime: n./ adv. (time spent at work) after the usual working hours 加班;加班时间;超时地 eg: overtime payments 加班费 Para.2 ① take effect: 1) produce the result intended or required 产生预期的或要求的结果;生效 eg: The aspirins soon took effect. 2) come into force or use; become active 实施;实行;起作用 eg: The new law takes effect from tomorrow. ② strip: v. take off from sb/sth 除去;剥去 eg: The paint will be difficult to strip off. ③ emblematic: serving as an emblem; symbolic 象征性的;标志性的 ④ get rid of sb/ sth: become free of 摆脱 eg: The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can’t get rid of them. Para.3 ① rigid: adj. stiff; not bending or yielding 坚硬的;刚性的;不弯曲的 rigidity: n. 僵化;刻板 eg: He deplored the rigidity of her views. 他痛感她的观点僵化。 ② architect: n. person who designs buildings and supervises their construction 建筑师;设计师 eg: He was one of the principal architects of the revolution. 他是那次革命的一位发动者。 Pa



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