报刊选读课件 Unit 4.ppt

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报刊选读课件 Unit 4

保定学院外语系英语教研室 英美报刊选读 1111111111111 英美报刊选读 unit 4 华中科技大学出版社 吴潜龙 编著 Introduction to Newspaper English 四、标点特点 Punctuative Features 英语报刊栏目狭窄、篇幅有限,要求标题结构简洁精练、内容言简意赅,在有限的篇幅里尽量浓缩较多的新闻内容,因此形成了标题标点的独特用法:以符代词。标题中常用的标点符号有:逗号、冒号、分号和破折号。 (一)逗号:逗号常用来代替连词“and”。例如: 1. Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms (=The Guangzhou Fair Closes and Trade Booms 广交会落幕,交易量火爆) (二)冒号:冒号表示讲话的内容或代替连系动词“be”。例如: 1. Putin: Muslim Nations Call for End to Tension in Bosnia-Hergezervena (= Putin Says: Muslim Nations Call for an end to the Tension in Bosnia-Hergezervena 普京:穆斯林国家呼吁尽快结束波黑紧张局势) 2. Chinese Cooks: Masters at Turning Turnip into Flower (= The Chinese Cooks are Masters of Turning a Turnip into a Flower 中国厨师技艺佳,掌中萝卜雕成花)。 (三)分号:分号将标题一分为二,表示两个独立的意思。例如: 1. India Goes Nuclear; U.S. Concerned 印度发展核武器;美国表示关注 2. Clashes Follow Hebron Killing; Mayor Removed 希布伦屠杀引发冲突;市长遭解职 (四)破折号:破折号用在没有引号的引语后面引出说话人或表示解释。例如: 1. World Unity Against Terrorism Needed—Brown (=Brown Says that World Unity Against Terrorism Is Needed 布朗:全世界需联手反恐) 2. Take Care—It’s a Jungle Out There 当心—那里可是弱肉强食的地方 Unit Four Politics — the American Scene Majority Favor Changing Immigration Laws, Poll Says The Federal Government The President (the executive responsible for carrying out the laws) Congress Supreme Court (nine judges, the court deals with complaints against the Constitution) Senate House of Representatives (each State appoints two Senators, (members are elected by the electorate of each State who serve for six years, 1/3 of the according to population and serve for two years) Senators being elec



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