新世纪高职高专英语综合教程1 Unit 6.ppt

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新世纪高职高专英语综合教程1 Unit 6

Para. 3 provoke cause, give rise to Eg: The prospect of price increases has already provoked worries. reaction 1. response 反应 Eg: What was your reaction to the new policy? 2. react (v.) campaign (n.) 1.运动; 战役 2.竞赛; 竞选 (vi.) 1.参加/发起运动, 参加竞选 Eg: Joan is campaigning for equal rights for women. 琼正从事于女权平等运动。 2.参战,参加战役; 作战 Eg: They campaigned alongside the friendly forces. 他们与友军并肩作战。 set free release 释放, 放生 Eg: Tom opened the cage and set the bird free. concentrate 1. focus all one’s attention 关注, 专心 Eg: It’s so noisy outside that I can’t concentrate on my term paper. 2. concentration (n.) episodes each of the parts of a serial story Eg: In the final episode we will find out who was the murderer. Para. 4 catch up 1.突然而迅速地抓住 Eg: He caught up the ball as it rolled along and threw it back. 他一把抱起滚过来的球, 把它扔了回去。 2.吹起, 卷起 Eg: The leaves were caught up by a sudden gust of wind. 3.追上, 赶上 catch up with Eg: You just go ahead and Ill catch up later. Prices will fall as soon as production catches up to demand. 一旦生产赶上了需求, 物价就会下跌。 4.打断 Eg: We mustnt catch the speaker up by so many questions. 我们不该用这么多问题来打断发言人。 constantly 1. frequently, continuously不断地; 时常地 Eg: It rained constantly all week. 2. constant (adj.) refer to 1.提及; 涉及 Eg: Dont refer to the matter again. 不要再提这件事了。 2.暗指; 针对 Eg: Does your remark refer to all of us? 你的评论是在说我们所有的人的吗? The regulations refer only to children. 这些规定只针对小孩子。 3.提交…作处理 Eg: He referred the case to the High Court. 他把案子提交给高级法庭处理。 4.查阅; 参考 Eg: Refer to the dictionary when you dont know how to spell a word. 5.(把…)归因/归功于… Eg: Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 6.向…求助;向(某人)查询 Eg: He never refers himself to us when he has difficulties. 他有困难时从不求助于我们。 He referred to me for information. 7. 指…而言(as) Eg: All his classmates re


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