英语module 5 unit 2《vienna is the centre of european》课件6(外研版八年级上).ppt

英语module 5 unit 2《vienna is the centre of european》课件6(外研版八年级上).ppt

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英语module 5 unit 2《vienna is the centre of european》课件6(外研版八年级上)

Read the passage. Answer the questions Activity 3 * Check your answers 1.In Austria, 2. The most famous family of musicians was the Strauss family. 3. He wrote waltzes 4. His famous piece of music was The Blue Danube. 5.Mozart was born in 1756. 6.He also wrote hundreds of beautiful pieces of music for the classical orchestra. 7. He died in 1791 when he was only 35. 8. Some people say Mozart was the greatest European composer. * Judge who they are 1. He is famous all over the Europe for his waltzes. 2. When he was 12, he wrote his first opera. 3. He wrote the most famous waltz The Blue Danube 4. He played the piano, the violin and the organ. Johann Strauss the elder Mozart Johann strauss the younger Mozart * work in pairs Find out the language focus in your opinions * Xian Xinghai 冼星海 * 黄河大合唱.flv * Write a passage about the composer Xian Xinghai Activity 4 Writing * Homework 1.Read the passage five times 2.Finish off the exercises of Unit 2 * 1866年,奥地利在与普鲁士的战争 中失败,维也纳人感到哀伤压抑。为振奋人心,约翰.斯特劳斯于1867年创作了这支象征维也纳生命活力的圆舞曲 ——《蓝色多瑙河》。蓝色多瑙河.flv 这支圆舞曲音乐华丽、明快、活泼。由于通俗易懂,优美动听,它已经成为音乐会上最受欢迎的曲目之一。 * 1. make…famous This song made him famous. 2. at the age of He went to school at the age of 7. 3. called That boy is called Tom. 4. Not only…but also He not only reads a lot, but also remembers a lot. * The son … was even more successful and popular than his father. 和他的父亲相比,儿子 …… 更 加成功,更受人们的欢迎。 * 这里的even以及much, a lot ,a little 等放在比较级前,表示强调,意 思是“更加;越发;有些”。 例如: The boy is a little taller than Tom. 那个男孩比汤姆高点儿。 * can you tell us the story of Mozart? Key words: Austria, 1756, not only…but also, around Europe, give concerts, at the age of 12, 1791, greatest composer * Activity 4 Before you write the passage about Xian Xinghai, read the test again and pay attention to the introduction of Mozart. * Country road.flv Module 5 Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of European classical music * 学习目标



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