人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievement Reading (共42张PPT).ppt

人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievement Reading (共42张PPT).ppt

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人教版高中英语必修四课件:Unit 1 Women of achievement Reading (共42张PPT)

The family a _____bitterly over who should inherit the house. Croft a ______ that a date should be set for the withdrawal of the troops. Whether or not Webb is the best person for the job is a _________. The couple’s a________ seemed to be about who was going to take the dog to the vet. When he drinks, he becomes a __________. The story was i_______by a chance meeting with a Russian duke. rgued rgued rguable rgument rgumentative nspired I haven’t started writing the article yet. I am still waiting for i________. I prefer i________ music. I can always count on Gail to be s _________when things go wrong. You can’t tear down the s _______ wall in decoration. Our money was running out at an alarming r _____. The divorce r _____ rose sharply this year. I am having some flowers d ________for her birthday. It is a custom for the principal to d _______a new term speech. nspiration nspiring upportive upporting ate ate elivered eliver Background Information: Jane Goodll’s work was supported by a famous scientist who had been studying how early people appeared on earth. He thought that early people might have developed from chimps and apes. One difficulty Jane had was the way she identified the chimps in a family. She gave them names (not numbers) and noted their personal ways of doing things. Reading: Would Jane Goodall have done such interesting work if she had gone to university before going to Africa? Questions for thinking: What difficulties might she have had when she did eventually go to university to study for her PhD? Clear up the language difficulty. Making it worthwhile: you have problem doing something but the result is useful To change the way people think about something: Persuade people by your evidence, knowledge and arguments that their ideas were wrong. Crowding in: You can’t forget the idea, and every time you stop to relax, the idea comes back to your mind Understanding ideas: How did Jane do her research and why? Work with the animals in th


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