人教英语八下Unit 6 Section B 1a-1d教案设计.docxVIP

人教英语八下Unit 6 Section B 1a-1d教案设计.docx

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人教英语八下Unit 6 Section B 1a-1d教案设计

Unit6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Section B (1a---1d)Teaching aims:1.To practice oral English2.To learn how to tell stories3.To learn target languages.4.To learn how to be an honest manKey words: Emperor, gold, silk, underwearKey phrases: as soon as, unless, so…that… keep…for oneself, once upon a time Analysis of the students:大部分学生来自农村语言能力差,英语学习不到两年,学生发音方言化。部分学生性格内向,不善于表达。学生两极分化严重造成部分学生参与课堂的兴趣不佳。Difficulties:To tell the stories fluently.To use the target languages to describe the stories such as unless, as soon as , so… that.ProcedureStep1 Greeting :To greet students as usual.Step2 Warm-up:Ask students some questions about Chinese traditional stories.设计意图:通过对学生提问中国民间故事,达到复习及巩固Section A内容的目的。Step3 Lead –inAsk and answer:What foreign traditional stories do you know?Step4 Presentation Task1 :Watch the video and answer the questions1. How many main characters are there in the story?2. Do the cheats make the clothes for emperor?设计意图:通过播放视频,让学生观赏皇帝的新装片段,引导学生思考文本内容并导入本节课的授课内容。白板交互使用:利用交互式白板插入视频并观赏与文本内容相符的视频内容。Task2: New words teachingTask3. Listen and make the sentences with the picturesStep 4 Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in 1c.Step 5 Practice Listening again and filling in the blanks. When the emperor _______ at himself, he only ________ his underwear. Nobody wanted to sound stupid. But suddenly, a young boy _______, “Look! The emperor isn’t _______ any clothes!”The emperor had to _______ them silk and gold, but they ________ everything for themselves. They were trying to cheat the emperor. This story is about an emperor who loved _________. Two ________ came to the city to make special clothes for the emperor.设计意图:训练学生的听力,让学生通过听能正确的完成图片的顺序和单词的填写,从而达到课标要求的听、说、读、写的能力。白板交互使用:要求学生在白板上标出图片序号,填入单词,教师进行批注。Step 6 Use the pictures in 1c to tell the story.设计意图:看图讲故事,通过小组学习让学生从说到写,从简到难逐步练习学生的语言的综合运用能力。白板交互使用:白板设置倒计时并利用展台展示学生作品。Step7Free talk: What can you learn from this story?设计意图:让学生通过故事,讲解自己在这个故事中学到了什么。Step8:Show time Teacher ask studen


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