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环境因素——后天因素 Biting lip Maxillary protrusion Lingually positioned lower incisors Lower jaw retrusion Deep overjet 环境因素——后天因素 Biting lip Biting cheek Sleeping habits Chewing habits 环境因素——后天因素 Interference with eruption 环境因素——后天因素(局部) Early loss of primary tooth Late loss of primary tooth Early loss of permanent tooth Early eruption of permanent tooth Early loss of primary tooth 环境因素——后天因素(局部) Early loss of most primary molars 环境因素——后天因素(局部) Protrusion of lower jaw Deep overbite 乳牙滞留 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 原因 乳牙根感染,影响牙根吸收/牙槽骨粘连。 继替恒牙先天缺失/位置不正 影响 恒牙阻生/错位萌出 双重牙列 近中/远中合关系 乳牙滞留 环境因素——后天因素(局部) Early loss of permanent teeth 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 严重龋坏、外伤、误拔等使恒牙丧失 影响 邻牙向缺隙倾斜,牙弓散在间隙 对合牙伸长,咬合紊乱 乳牙早失可加速恒牙的萌出 早萌的恒牙根发育不良,易早失 Interference with eruption 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 正常的恒牙萌出顺序形成正常的咬合关系,萌出顺序异常可致错合。 萌出顺序的影响因素: 遗传、乳牙早失、乳牙滞留、多生牙、肿瘤等。 乳尖牙磨耗不足 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 乳尖牙磨耗不足→ 乳尖牙高出合平面→ 乳尖牙早接触→创伤→ 下颌向前/侧方移动以避免疼痛 乳尖牙磨耗不足 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 环境因素——后天因素(局部) trauma caries periodontal tumor restoration Childhood fractures of the jaw 环境因素——后天因素(局部) Tooth trauma 环境因素——后天因素(局部) caries 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 牙周病 环境因素——后天因素(局部) 复习题 1、试述口腔不良习惯对形成错合畸形的病因类型及其机制? 2、试述错合畸形形成病因中替牙障碍的类型? 3、名解 heredity viriation Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up! - Can be Copy-Pasted out of Templates for use anywhere! Title Backdrop Slide Backdrop Print Backdrop congenial etiologic factors from fetur Functional disturbance --- endocrine dyscrasia/ metabolism disturbance Disturbance of growth and development congenial influences congenial influences Internal environment of uterus Metrostenosis Abnormal pressure of amniotic fluid Cord entanglement Position of the uteru Birth injuries congenial influences supernumerary tooth congenial influences congenitally missing tooth congenitally missing primary tooth congenial influences congenitally missing permanent tooth congenitally missing tooth congenial influences mother son daughter congenitally missing tooth congenial influences small toot



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