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Endodontics Definition dental plaque: is unmineralized bacterial deposite that builds up on the teeth. It consists of adhesive matrix and bacteria. If not removed, it can lead to dental caries or periodontal diseases. smear layer: a 0.5~5um layer adhesive to the walls of cavity composed of organic tissue degenerated due to the heat of cavity preparation, dentinal debris, component of dentinal tubule, saliva and bacteria. Pulpotomy: Complete removal of the vital pulp tissue followed by shaping, cleaning and filling of the root canal(s), indicated for tooth with pulpitis. IAF 失活法Abnormal central cusp: conoid cusp most commonly found in the central fossa of mandibular premolar. The fracture of the cusp can result in infection and inflammation of pulp through the pulp horn in the cusp. Dens invaginatus: the result of invagination of the coronal aspect of the enamel organ down into the dental papilla due to excessive folding or increment of enamel organ. 固位型 condense osteotitis hybrid layerconsisting of a collagen network exposed by etching and embedded in adhesive resin. Remineralizative therapy: The reintroduction of complex mineral salts into enamel or cementum, to recover the hardness and arrest or reverse the early caries lesions. pulpodentinal complex: sedative dressing: dressing the cavity of teeth with sedative materials such as zinc oxide and fill the cavity with temporary restoration so as to relieve inflammation and the symptoms. Perforation: 组织学根尖孔非iso标准根管预备器械 pulpodentinal complex龈上菌斑牙内吸收 physical apexinfected canal 牙髓活力温度测验facilitate the defense reaction of the pulp-dentin complex, stimulate the soft dentine remineralized reparative dentine formation. secondary dentin residual pulpitis: a kind Statement 1.properties of the cariogenic bacteria; 3.goals of pulp therapy in children; 牙髓病和根尖周病有哪些临床检查方法深龋的治疗特点直接盖髓术的原理,适应症和禁忌症the causation of false possitive result of electric test the method of determinating the primary point Diagnose methods of dental caries


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