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Pulp stones or dentin calcification Huge pulp stone (arrow) that has developed in association with chronic pulpitis. This “ball and socket” type of stone must be fragmented to be removed. Although the stoma of the draining sinus tract was over the canine pontic and the treated lateral incisor was suspected as the origin, it was actually the more distant central incisor causing the problem. (Courtesy of Dr. Cyril Gaum.) “Target” or “bull’s-eye” phenomena seen in roots that severely curve to the buccal or lingual, that is, in the direction of the central beam. Dr. Alfred T. Baum; Dr. Dudley H. Glick A, “Fast break” in radiograph of a mandibular canine (arrow) indicates that a search should be made for a second canal. B, Varying horizontal projection reveals two canals in hourglass-shaped root. A, Sudden change in radiographic density (arrow) signals probable canal bifurcation at that point. B, Change from right-angle horizontal projection (A) to 20-degree projection from the distal clearly reveals two canals but a single foramen. Two forms of apical external resorption. A, A resorptive defect leaves a ?aring apical foramen that could not be adequately obturated by conventional methods. B, Advanced external resorption of the apex makes conventional instrumentation hazardous. Separated instrument or post A, Lateral lesion denotes pulp necrosis and drainage through the lateral accessory canal. B, Filling material extrudes,denoting the accessory canal. (From Drs. Albert C. Goerig and Elmer J. Neaverth.) Limitations of Dental X-rays The radiographic image is a shadow and has the elusive qualities of all shadows. It may be too light or too dark, too short or too long. It is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. Misleading radiograph related to lack of a third dimension. A, Failing root canal therapy in the maxillary central incisor appears



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