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* Unit 5 Lesson 1 Performance Alanis— A true performer Language points 1. performer n. 表演者 perform vt. 表演,上演,履行,执行 perform well / badly 表现好/ 差 perform an operation 做手术 perform one’s duty 履行职责 performance n. 表演,演出 zxxk put on performances 上演 give a performance 演出,上演 2. live adj. 活的,有生命的,现场直播的 e.g. 一条活鱼 a live fish 它是现场直播的还是录像的? Is it a live broadcast or a recorded one ? Z.xxk 巧辩异同:live , lively, alive 1) live “活着的”,常作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,主要用于修饰动物 e.g. a live tiger 另外还有“现场直播”之意。 The club has live music most nights. 2) lively “生动的,活泼的”,用作表语、定语和宾语补足语,可修饰人和物。 3) alive “活着的,在世的”常作表语、宾语补足语,作定语时必须后置 (即放在名词后面) 。Zx.xk 填空: 1)A ______ rat is over there. 2) The fish is still _______. 3) Whos the greatest man _____? 4) He told a very ______story. A. lively B. live C. alive live alive alive lively 3. effect n. 作用,效果,影响 have an effect on sth. 对……有影响/ 有作用 put/ bring sth. into effect 使生效;实行,实施 be in effect 有效 come into effect / take effect 开始生效/ 开始实施 effective adj. 有效的 affect v. 影响 side effect 副作用 1.这次地震对我们产生了很大的影响,使我们更加珍惜自己的生命了。 The earthquake us, making us value our lives more. 2.只要不影响学习,干一份兼职是个好主意。 It’s a good idea to do a part-time job as long as it . 3.有些古老的法律现在仍然有效。 Some ancient laws are still . 4.新系统即将启用。 The new system will soon be . had a great effect on doesn’t affect your studies put into effect in effect 4. Alanis Morissette is used to being in the public eye. be/ get used to sth./ doing sth 习惯于…… e.g.Are you used to the life here? I’m not used to eating hot food. be used to do sth. 被用于做…… e.g. Grape can be used to make wine. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事,否定形式 Usedn’t to或didn’t use to e.g. He used to get up early when he was young. 学海导航page 30 zx.xk 5. Her most fam


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