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摘要 尽管改革开放以来,我国流通业得到了快速发展,但是,流通业整体发展迟缓,主要表现在流通企业规模过小,管理方式、经营模式以及流通技术落后,与发达国家的流通业有显著差距。为此,内资零售企业该如何应对现实境况,增强企业竞争力,探索一条适合自己的发展道路已成为当务之急。 一家成功的便利店背后一定有一个高效的物流系统支持,7-11作为全球最大的连锁便利店一直对物流系统进行不断地改革,以高速发展。其具体内容体现在顾客需求管理、与供应商合作关系、物流配送运作模式、管理信息系统等四个方面。 本文针对7-11便利店的物流配送等问题,在深入研究目前的连锁便利店的物流基本理论后,详细分析7-11物流模式各方面的特点,分析7-11连锁便利店存在的优势和劣势,与其竞争对手其他便利店和超市等进行对比分析,指出其对我国连锁便利店物流发展模式的启示。 关键词:便利店,物流管理,配送,7-11 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于:自选(生产实际)。 Abstract Although the reform and opening up. China has been rapid development of circulation industry, however, slow the overall development of circulation industry, mainly in the small scale circulation enterprises, management, business model and the flow of technological backwardness, and the developed countries have significantly different circulation. To this end, domestic-funded retail enterprises how to deal with the reality of the situation, and enhance their competitiveness, exploring a development path suited to their own has become a top priority. Behind a successful convenience store must have an efficient logistics system to support ,7-11 as the worlds largest chain of convenience stores has been ongoing reform of the logistics system to rapid development. The specific customer needs reflected in the content management, and supplier relationships, logistics and distribution operation, management information systems in four areas. In this paper, 7-11 convenience store logistics issues, in-depth study of current logistics chain of convenience stores basic theory, the detailed analysis of all aspects of logistics mode 7-11 characteristics, 7-11 chain of convenience stores, theres advantages and weaknesses, its competitors such as other convenience stores and supermarkets were analyzed, pointing out that its chain of convenience stores in China Logistics Development Mode. Key words: Convenience stores, Logistics management, Distribution,7-11 目录 1 绪论 3 1.1 研究背景及目的 3 1.1.1 研究背景 3 1.1.2 研究目的 3 1.2 国内外研究现状 4 1.2.1 国外研究现状 4 1.2.2 国内研究现状 4 1.3 研究方法 5 1.4


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