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Xendesktop售前技术培训;议程;市场机遇;By 2013, 49M virtual desktops $65B revenue;;;传统桌面管理的挑战;传统桌面部署架构;X;传统PC的高运维成本;革命的时刻到了!;桌面虚拟化的定义;;第一代虚拟桌面解决方案;Citrix桌面虚拟化解决方案;重新定义桌面;Traditional Management Tools Processes;App Virtualization;;;XENdesktop技术原理;桌面在客户端显示(可以支持非Windows客户端);核心技术——ICA 协议;新的 XenDesktop 4 HDX增强功能;;HDX 节省 90% 带宽;支持多种外设—HDX协议 ;Advanced multi-monitor configurations Dictation devices Specialized keyboards;支持全面的终端设备_ 保护您的桌面投资;;应用虚拟化 – 在线和离线 经过验证的企业高扩展性 精细的访问控制 向物理和虚拟桌面交付应用 自助式企业应用存储;;;;任何用户 任何设备;; Citrix XenDesktop 4 – FlexCast? delivery technology Hosted desktop delivery models;APPS;;;多种应用部署方式;桌面虚拟化适用场景;Any hypervisor Any storage platform Any endpoint device Integrates with Microsoft infrastructure ;Virtual Desktop Infrastructure – Open Architecture;Any device, anytime, anywhere HDX? user experience FlexCast? delivery technology On-demand apps by XenApp? Open architecture;Xendesktop功能演示;How to Win Against the Competition;;VMware View;Microsoft relationship Microsoft competes against VMware in the same accounts Leverage Microsoft influence in account HDX user experience Any device, anytime, anywhere FlexCast delivery technology On-Demand apps by XenApp Open architecture Scalability ;Poor experience for WAN users Slow screen refresh Slow mouse/keyboard response Latency critical High bandwidth requirements 10X more bandwidth for Flash 3.6X more bandwidth for Office PCoIP more bandwidth intensive 3rd party protocols insufficient Many require proprietary hardware Significant extra cost ;RDP protocol extensions Windows-based endpoints Proprietary devices Limited non-Windows thin clients Limits for other endpoints Revert to basic RDP Lose support for USB devices Lose support for local printing Lose support for graphics acceleration ;No capability for local desktops Complex hosted desktops 3rd party tools needed Personalization App management Security;ThinApp is your only choice Only in View Premier Packaging utility Lacks infrastructure Manual configuration Text files Custom


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