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本科毕业设计外文翻译 () 论文题目 基于VC实现的小型绘图系统 作者姓名 指导教师 学科(专业) 所在学院 计算机科学与技术学院 提交日期   Overview of the .NET Framework First off, let’s get one thing straight. This book is about developing code within the confines of the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. Therefore, it only makes sense that you start by getting acquainted with the underlying architecture with which you will be developing your code: the .NET Framework. I cover a lot of material in this chapter, mostly at the 30,000-foot level. The main goal here isn’t to make you a .NET expert. This chapter is designed to provide you with a level playing field from which to start your C++/CLI code development while exploring this book. I start with a brief description of .NET and the .NET Framework and why we programmers need it. Then, I briefly examine the assembly, which is the central building block for all .NET Framework application distribution and execution. Next, I move on to the core of the .NET Framework: the common language runtime (CLR), the common type system (CTS), and the common language specification (CLS). Finally, I discuss, at a very high level, the software components available to .NET Framework developers. What Is .NET? I guess getting the definition from the horse’s mouth would be a good place to start. Microsoft describes .NET on their Web site (/net/Overview.aspx) in the following way: The .NET Framework is a development and execution environment that allows different programming languages and libraries to work together seamlessly to create Windows-based applications that are easier to build, manage, deploy, and integrate with other networked systems. Built on Web service standards, .NET enables both new and existing personal and business applications to connect with software and services across platforms, applications, and programming languages


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