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2011-2012学年度第二学期 八年级英语词汇运用能力摸底测试 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 根据中文提示,写出下列英语单词或短语:(1×30=30分) 单词部分: 1. 害羞的_______ 2. 玩笑__________ 3. 护照________4.柔软的__________ 5. 拒绝 _________ 6.杂志 __________ 7.宾馆 _________8.推 ___________ 9.认识到 ________10.麻烦 _________11.油 _________ 12.炊具_________ 13.猪肉 ________ 14. 梨________ 15. 餐叉_________16. 钞票_________ 17.黄油 ________ 18.筷子_______ 19.毛衣_______ 20.任何地方__________ 短语部分: 1. 例如____________2. 为了 _____________3. 与某人和解 ____________ 4. 查明____________5. 即使_______________6. 忍不住做 _____________ 7. 与……相处__________________8. 算出 ______________________ 9. 想出(主意)_________________ 10.收到……的来信_________________ 单项选择填空:(1×15=15分) ( ) 1.At _____, the headmaster and other teachers order a special lunch and serve it to the student . A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night ( ) 2.Look at his _____, it means you must stop talking . A. word B. menu C. courage D. gesture ( ) 3.The chicken soup _____very delicious , all the children like it a lot . A. tastes B. sounds C. looks D. feels ( ) 4.Before making an important ___, we had better think it over and over . A. direction B. suggestion C. decision D. culture ( ) 5.If you are in good _____, you will find you can study or work better . A. time B. spirits C. roles D. senses 座位号: ( ) 6.The young man is a _____ here , so he knows little about this city . A. friend B. stranger C. monitor D. husband ( ) 7.The little dog’s _____makes the old woman sad , because it is like one of her family members . A. die B. died C. dead D. death ( ) 8.The bus was very crowded at that moment and all the ____felt terrible . A. person B. passengers C. sleepers D. guests ( )9.They all went to work on time yesterday, so ______of them was late . A. no B. both C.


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