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生物芯片技术 什么是生物芯片 生物芯片种类 ——按芯片上固定的生物材料分 Gene chips 是最早出现的一种生物芯片。 是指通过微阵列(Microarray)技术将高密度DNA片段阵列通过高速机器人或原位合成方式以一定的顺序或排列方式使其附着固相表面,以荧光标记的DNA探针,借助碱基互补杂交原理,进行大量的基因表达及监测等方面研究的最新革命性技术。 Protein chips Lab chips 生物芯片技术的优点 与传统的仪器检测方法相比: 高通量 微型化 自动化 高灵敏 成本低 防污染 生物芯片技术的应用  生物芯片的发展趋势 Greater density Accelerated automation Cost reduction Abstract A giant magnetoresistive (GMR) biochip based on spin valve sensor array and magnetic nanoparticle labels was developed for inexpensive, sensitive and reliable DNA detection. The DNA targets detected in this experiment were PCR products amplified from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) plasmids. The concentrations of the target DNA after PCR were around 10nM in most cases, but concentrations of 10pM were also detectable, which is demonstrated by experiments with synthetic DNA samples. A mild but highly specific surface chemistry was used for probe oligonucleotide immobilization. Double modulation technique was used for signal detection in order to reduce the 1/f noise in the sensor. Twelve assays were performed with an accuracy of approximately 90%. Magnetic signalswere consistent with particle coverage data measured with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). More recent research on microfluidics showed the potential of reducing the assay time below one hour. This is the first demonstration of magnetic DNA detection using plasmid-derived samples. This study provides a direct proof that GMR sensors can be used for biomedical applications.   HPV的传统检测方法 Principle Experimental Procedure 传感器的制备 聚核苷酸探针的制备及固定于传感器 目标DNA的生物素酰基化 磁性颗粒的功能化 加样 目标DNA与磁性颗粒结合 检测 Conlusion GMR生物芯片用于HPV的基因定型的准确率达到90%以上,并且可以运用于各种涉及到基因检测的医学诊断。 相对于其他类型的生物芯片,这种新型GMR 生物芯片具有磁标记稳定,灵敏度高,与IC 工艺兼容,适用于自动化分析,不依赖于昂贵、高精度的光学测量系统、易于小型化等优势,同时利于减小甚至消除背景噪声,而且可以进行单片多通量检测。 * * 刘超 李世燕 谢宏林 2008.11.3 生物芯片(Biochips)是90年代中期发展起来的一项尖端技术。一种微型多参数生物传感器。它通过在


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