肌肤问题靠头发来解决 爷们好发色秒杀妹纸.doc

肌肤问题靠头发来解决 爷们好发色秒杀妹纸.doc

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肌肤问题靠头发来解决 爷们好发色秒杀妹纸

男士皮肤问题不是一下子就能够改善的,那么,怎样可以时时以最完美的状态示人呢?懂得运用染发改善男士皮肤问题是关键。   看看这些男士染发颜色图片是如何神奇地改善肌肤的吧。用发色配好肤色瞬间改善男士皮肤问题,那么,男士染发颜色如何根据肌肤来选择呢? 爷们肌肤问题靠发色来解决   第一种:油光皮肤问题,告别油饼脸   如果是油光满面的男生,千万要注意不要染那种很光艳的颜色。因为油光肌肤的人再配上一个非常有光泽的发色的话,就会让人觉得从脸部到勃子上都是油油的。因此油光型的人,在染发选择颜色的时候,最好是挑选哑光染色和挑染,这样不仅能利用头发的哑光有效的控制肌肤的油光感,而挑染可以转移人们的视线。 爷们肌肤问题靠发色来解决   第二种:毛孔粗大问题   如果你是草莓鼻,面上的毛孔也比较粗大,那么只要让鼻子上的黑头和脸上的粗毛孔凹陷所形成的“阴影”与面部的整体肤色统一,就不会显得特别突兀了。因此应该选择比眼睛颜色深的棕色作为基础发色。偏粉红的冷色调肌肤就用红棕色,偏黄的暖色调肌肤就用橘棕色。总之就是使头发的颜色尽量靠近肌肤的颜色,这样能使肌肤上的黑头问题变得不那么明显。 爷们肌肤问题靠发色来解决   第三:青春痘问题   如果你的痘痘问题严重,脸上总是红红的,那么千万不要染冷色调的发色,这样会凸显肌肤问题。所以,采用近色红色的暖色调染发,可以使面色统一,转移人们的视线。发色应该比瞳孔颜色略浅一些,这样人们的关注点就会集中在发色和眼睛上。此外,挑染一些冷色调,如果沿着脸部的轮廓烫出一些波浪卷,营造出立体感,让痘痘看起来更加不明显了。 Man is not immediately can improve the / skin problem, so, how can every person with the most perfect state? Who knows how to use dye to improve mens skin problems is the key. Look at how these men hair dye color pictures magically improve the skin. With hair color with good skin instantly improve skin problems of men, so men hair dye color how to choose according to the skin? All skin problems to solve by hair color The first: glossy skin / problems, leaving oil cake face If is some cavityin boy, must be careful not / to dye the kind of color very luster. For oily skin with a very shiny hair color, can let a person feel from face to Bob on the child is greasy. So glossy type, in hair color choose a color, it is best to choose dumb light dyeing and highlights, such not only can use the matte and effective control of the skin of the hair glossy, and highlights can transfer the line of sight of people. All skin problems to solve by hair color The second: the pore is bulky If you are the strawberry nose, on the surface of the pore is bulky, so just let the coarse pores of the black head on nose and face sag formed by the shadow and the whole of facial skin color uniform, would not seem particularly jarring. So you should select the darker brown than the eyes as basic hair color. Partial pink cool colo


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