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2010年 世博会 Better City, Better Life 上 海 2015年 世博会 ?山黄 假如黄山要申办下一届世博会, 作为黄山人,你们一定对自己的家乡信心十足。请给国际展览局主席写封信,向他介绍一下你美丽的家乡——黄山。 要求:1. 突出家乡特点; 2. 结构完整、条理清晰; 3. 运用适当的说明方法; 4. 语句优美、可读性强。 Writing practice (习作练习) Writing Show (习作赏析) 请把你们小组的 写作成果展现给大家。 Homework Introduce Kunming to your parents or friends. Kunming is a big modern city. More than 5 million people live in and around Kunming. Great changes are taking place, such as taller buildings, more cinemas and better hospitals. With its convenient transport, the light rail train and buses can take you anywhere in the city. Find out topic sentences(主题句) Kunming is a big modern city. More than 5 million people live in and around Kunming. Great changes are taking place, such as taller buildings, more cinemas and better hospitals. With its convenient transport, the light rail train and buses can take you anywhere in the city. Find out topic sentences(主题句) Kunming is a nice place to visit. The Western Hills is an excellent place to go. From the top of the hills, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the whole city. 78km away from the southeast of the city, the Stone Forest welcomes you. It is famous home and abroad. You can never be bored in Kunming. Find out topic sentences(主题句) Find out topic sentences(主题句) Kunming is a nice place to visit. The Western Hills is an excellent place to go. From the top of the hills, you can enjoy the beautiful view of the whole city. 78km away from the southeast of the city, the Stone Forest welcomes you. It is famous home and abroad. You can never be bored in Kunming. Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan, lies in the southwest of China. It enjoys pleasant weather all year round. It’s traditional and quiet. At the same time, it’s a modern and busy place to live. So Kunming is like two cities in one. Kunming is a big modern city. More than 5 million people live in an


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